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6:10pm Aug 19 2014 (last edited on 6:19pm Aug 19 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 52
thats great Makana =D

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6:16pm Aug 19 2014 (last edited on 6:26pm Aug 19 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 52
I'm going to add a lot of people from this group. :D It would be great if all my rescreatu friends are Christians.

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6:45am Aug 20 2014

Normal User

Posts: 9,781
That sounds like cool plan, Janjanie.

I\'m extremely sorry for my absence. I\'ve been very busy and was recently attacked by 3 dogs and am currently recovering.

9:21am Aug 20 2014 (last edited on 4:14pm Dec 24 2019)

Normal User

Posts: 52
I'm really glad I join rescreatu. I had no idea it would be this cool. Just about 2 weeks ago I realized that I had been looking for Christians in the wrong place. It was an online game I decided to join and I had been playing it for 2 months mingling with people who didn't believe in God or Christians who weren't really Christians and I felt so foolish because I used to be the one warning people about merging with the world and I didn't even notice how lost I was.

There were nice people on the game but then I realized that I had been crying and praying all night for someone who had no intention of wanting to serve God even though he claimed to be a christian, but the truth is he was still a satanist feeding on my positive energy. (I met him on the game and wanted to be there for him because he was depressed) And it took me a long time to realize that he hadn't actually changed. I felt so foolish because I had even introduce him to my best friends and I defended him when they said they didn't trust him.

Anyways I got rid of him and I went back to God crying and praying and asking for forgiveness because I had become a slave to that online game [that I no longer want to even think of] I never even noticed the signs that God was trying to keep me from this boy even before we met. there were so many signs!!! (but I misread them thinking that it was the devil trying to keep me from bringing someone closer to God)

Oh wow I didn't plan on typing this much. All I wanted to say from the beginning is that its great to be here. I've read all of your stories and I really wanna be friends with all of you!! you guys are filled with so much love and I just wanna be more like Meg or Rika. you both are so cool!!

if anyone wanna know more about that story I typed too much of then Rmail me ^-^

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3:04pm Aug 22 2014

Normal User

Posts: 257
God's saved me from a lot, thanks God c:

3:34pm Dec 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 44
God is the cooliest.


9:39am Dec 22 2014

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Posts: 52
Ikr MeowMeow

I just started going to church btw :D started last saturday for the first time. Couldn't go before because of circumstances beyond my control. ^^" everyone there is so nice, and I want to get baptized soon


6:16am May 14 2015

Normal User

Posts: 419


10:53pm May 15 2015

Normal User

Posts: 58
Wow! Didn't think something like this would come to Res! I'll join! JC for the win!

Wierdly a Zaphao Freak...

7:09pm Sep 29 2018

Normal User

Posts: 59
God is life , literally ! XD I've read the whole bible Twice, and went to a catholic school


3:11pm Nov 28 2019

Normal User

Posts: 41
I hope you know that this thread is against the rules

ryan was here

12:55pm Aug 16 2022

Normal User

Posts: 17
Hi everyone. I'm Elevator. Been saved since i was sixteen years old, I look forward to meeting everyone! :)

Hei My name is Crystal. I love cats, snakes, Hospital Smells Fair Rides, & Jesus.
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