It's actually easy to find...but you have to go into the Nether to get it. To get to the Nether you have to make a Portal gate out of 10-14 blocks of obsidian (2 blocks for the bottom and top, 3 for the sides; you can add the corners of the portal in if you want) and then light it with flint and obsidian.
I died so many times trying to harvest obsidian down in my mines before I figured out how to just make it at the surface. xDD
The Nether's not so bad. Turn your settings to peaceful and all of the monsters will disappear, and from then on it's just not getting lost (I mark my path with small towers of Netherblock) and not walking into lava/fire (not that hard) xPP
Until I found the site for my new house and spent most of my time replacing the roof with glass and then putting a pond up there. xD
And mining Glowstone so I could make Glowstone pillars and wall-lines to light the place.
And putting a pool in the middle of the floor with my bed in it, and having a small river lead out of the house through a wall of glass to the ocean...
...-pokes people- :'3 I love Minecraft. I'm a horrible player. So I like to watching Minecraft players play it. Especially those on the Mindcrack server. x3
-subscribed to all the Mindcrackers- >_> There's a lot of them ;3; It's amazing. They all have different styles of building, talking, personality (most are 18+...but :'3 I love them anyway). They're all just so different xD Actually, right this second I'm watching a video from one. :3 He and another guy were the reason I got into Minecraft xD -blames Joey-
(Please no spoilers, I haven't seen the latest episodes past 'The Hand'.)
I've also have them subscribed to my channel, ahah.
It makes me wanna play Minecraft again, but I really don't wanna play by myself. :(
Also, I have the full game so...I'll just have to download it and get that one mod that makes the game run smoother and I'm good to go. I usually get texture packs, but I think I'll not use those this time around, ahaha.