No pants you say??

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10:18pm Jul 21 2014 (last edited on 11:19am Apr 20 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
A fan club dedicated to no pants.
Our members are all strong, independent people who don't need no pants.
Can you live up to our standards?

Preferred pronouns;
Shorts owned;
Jeans owned;
Capris owned;
Discarded pants;
How many gallons of water do you drink per day;
Reason for going pantless;
When did you go pantless (dd/mm/yy)

Please eather Rmail me your application or post it here. Remember, our standards are very high. Please, take time to thoroughly read the ENTIRE application and answer accordingly.

Current Member list;
FluzzMe - Eh - Founder
KittyKat - SMASHING - Gold Member
Fawn - Suppertime Onionlord - Hired
Octo - Lauren - Member
Cecil - Teebo - Janitor

Declined Applications;
WarriorHawkSpirit - Buttcheek - deNIED
Jess - One Less - deNIED

Thank you.


10:23pm Jul 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 381

Username; Octopusbaby
Name; Lauren
Preferred pronouns; She, her, anything girl
Personality; I like apple Juice
Shorts owned; Erm one pair that fit
Jeans owned; Two pairs
Capris owned; idek what the hell this is
Discarded pants; Tooooooo many
Gallons of water/day; IDK why this matters but like one gallon mkay
Reason for going pantless; Dont need pants to have a birthday
When did you go pantless; when didnt i go pantless?


10:25pm Jul 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 381
Forgot to sub



10:27pm Jul 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
You pass, but just barely. I'll be keeping an eye on you, Lauren, for any suspicious pantsy activities. 


10:35pm Jul 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 4,355
Username; Fawn, previously known as Sonador, previously known as PantslessJesus
Name; Madi, but if you could address me as the SUPREME OVERLORD, I would greatly appreciate it
Preferred pronouns; She / her, but I'm down with whatever
Personality; attractive, talented, perfect, beautiful, you get the point
Shorts owned; all
Jeans owned; so many
Capris owned; 3.74
Discarded pants; all of the above
Gallons of water/day; watermelon
I swallow whole watermelons every day
I drink the most water of all
Reason for going pantless; I needed freedom
I needed joy
I needed no restraints
I needed life
When did you go pantless (dd/mm/yy); ever since the time of JESUS and DINOSAURS

{this makes exactly zero sense I'm lame and so is this bye}


10:47pm Jul 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
Hired. BI


8:42pm Mar 31 2015 (last edited on 1:39am Apr 3 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 62
Username; AvariciousAlice- I mean, WarriorHawkSpirit. *COUGH* Sorry, other site got me *cough*
Name; Pantydemon McFlutterybuttcheeks
Preferred pronouns; she, her. Also accepts it, they, them.
Personality; Dork, jerk, diva, son of an illegally smuggled firearm full of Mexican heroin. uvu
Shorts owned; ...1 pair I think?
Jeans owned; Uncountable
Capris owned; 2
Discarded pants; Each and every one of them except when I feel like they should be worn. 
How many gallons of water do you drink per day; I don't keep track but I can probably live in a desert for a week reliably before I feel any especial need to drink? XD
Reason for going pantless; None especially, I just like skirts.
When did you go pantless (dd/mm/yy): 10 seconds ago. I'm currently in lacy panties and a sports bra, which is the weirdest combination. ^v^

[url=][img][/img][/url]\r\n\r\nDon\'t let this dragon die!

1:19am Apr 3 2015 (last edited on 1:24am Apr 3 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
doing this bc why the heck not 8D

Username; look to da left ;0
Name; no-pants nigel
Preferred pronouns; her/she ouo
Personality; pant hating/protesting pantless person who pants when proclaiming pants should poof BI
and im SMASHING.
Shorts owned; like. 5 pairs. 6 if you count my brother- he's short enough to qualify.
Jeans owned; 23 pairs o' jea- oh that's genes nvm
Capris owned; HAHA AHAH no. my mother owns 2,147,185,628 if that counts. but she herself calls them pants so that's probably why i own 0
Discarded pants; never had pants to discard in the first place yo. thats how pantless i am.
How many gallons of water do you drink per day; how long is a piece of string B)
lets just say i collect balls of string for a living
Reason for going pantless; reason not to go pantless? there isn't one.
When did you go pantless: since i shot out of that womb shouting PANTS ARE FOR CHUMS.


1:36am Apr 3 2015

Content Manager

Posts: 3,136
Username; Cecil (cringes)
Name; Tyran-no-pants-aus Rex
Preferred pronouns; They/them
Personality; the hell is a personality
Shorts owned; 2
Jeans owned; idk like 4
Capris owned; ew
Discarded pants; Discard my pants, discard my family's pants, discard my cow's pants
How many gallons of water do you drink per day; considering i have to pee like 8 times a day ... a lot?
Reason for going pantless; my thigh chub needs freedom
When did you go pantless (dd/mm/yy): 4/20


2:11am Apr 3 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,009
Username; Idk I think it's...Jess
Name; Jess
Preferred pronouns; She/He/They don't care <---Female more often
Personality; I wear Nightgowns like 60% of my life..
Shorts owned; None
Jeans owned; None
Capris owned; None
Discarded pants; Lots
How many gallons of water do you drink per day; ...I don't drink water often. Sorry
Reason for going pantless; I like the freedom. Also because pants suck.
When did you go pantless (dd/mm/yy) 18/11/92


11:26am Apr 20 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
sorry this is so late omg

Warrior - "Each and every one of them except when I feel like they should be worn." This is unacceptable behavior. Absolutely repulsive. Frankly, I'm offended you even applied!! Please, reevaluate your life and come back when you have it sorted out.

Kitty - A smashing candidate you are! You have automatically been given a GOLD card. This only lasts for one year. To renew, it's $6000000, due one year in advance. c:

Cecil - You have been accepted! It's wonderful to have you on the team. You will be assigned a bucket and rag on Wednesday, please pick it up from my office.

Jess - I am sad to say that you, too, have been denied. It was a close call, but in the end, you simply don't drink enough water. Please reevaluate your life and reapply.


3:57am Apr 21 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,477
such an honour to be pantless with you 8) *that sounds terrible im sorry*

also I love how it comes down to water. dont underestimate that H2O yo ;0


10:37am Aug 8 2016

Normal User

Posts: 294
Um, why are you calling this the No Pants  club if you're wearing pants?

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe FNaF group.\r\n

6:52pm Aug 8 2016

Normal User

Posts: 1,997
Why, you insufferably miserable lad! I feel as though you may be hallucinating, for I doubt such a respectable person as yourself would accuse me of such treachery. If I had any less restraint, I would have you beheaded.
Please, cease all drug related activities immediately and return when your mind is filled with fewer lies.
*scoffs* pants. she thinks I would wear pants. how abhorrent.


7:00pm Aug 8 2016 (last edited on 7:03pm Aug 8 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 219
Post unlocked at originator's request ^.^

¸.·´.·´¨) ¸.·¨)

¸.·´.·´¨) ¸.·¨)

11:19pm Aug 8 2016

Normal User

Posts: 294
I don't even understand what you just said.

\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThe FNaF group.\r\n

7:10am Nov 25 2017

Normal User

Posts: 66
Username; -kaitlyn-
Name; Kat
Preferred pronouns; She, her, you there, person
Shorts owned; three pairs that fit
Jeans owned; one fitting pair
Capris owned; two fitting pairs
Discarded pants; Like a lot
Gallons of water/day; no idea
Reason for going pantless; great question
When did you go pantless; when have I not been

Be sure to check out my forums, show room, auctions, rancher shop, and trades. You just might find something you want! ;)

7:14am Nov 25 2017

Normal User

Posts: 66
Username; -kaitlyn-
Name; Kat
Preferred pronouns; she, her, you there, person
Personality; i'm a total geek and a nerd 
Shorts owned; 2-3 fitting pairs
Jeans owned; 1ish fitting pair
Capris owned; 2 fitting pairs
Discarded pants; like a lot
How many gallons of water do you drink per day; probably like 2
Reason for going pantless; great question
When did you go pantless; like 2013

Be sure to check out my forums, show room, auctions, rancher shop, and trades. You just might find something you want! ;)

6:17pm Sep 25 2018

Normal User

Posts: 62

Preferred pronouns; she , you , girl , person,
Personality: Cool & fun
Shorts owned; 2
Jeans owned;2
Capris owned; 1
Discarded pants; 178
How many gallons of water do you drink per day; 3
Reason for going pantless; Pants = uncomfortable
When did you go pantless ( 21/09/ 2012)


11:11pm Aug 10 2019

Normal User

Posts: 369
hi, what is this?

this signature is dedicatedrn
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