Rescreatu Fan Club!

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9:21pm Aug 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,962
XD  That actually made me giggle, Petty.  =D  Maybe I am too emotional.  :DDDDD  *hyper*  Soo....  now I need to answer all of the questions from the first post in my next post.

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

9:24pm Aug 29 2009 (last edited on 9:24pm Aug 29 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 2,962

-Favorite part of Res! My ResPals and the forums
-Favorite pet! Myotis....  andeveryone else (We wouldn't want anyone feeling left out, would we?  XD)

-Favorite Staff member! LeTainted's pretty awesome, but you have to love all out staffies.  <3

-What changes you'd like to see done!And what you NEVER want Pat to change. O.O  Maybe some more Search bars and shaping things up so things are a little easier to locate (such as pet names).  I don't want Pat to change much else, and keep everything just the way it is-- perfect.  ;o

-Patrick Warner.The God of Res.  Yus!

-V1 or V2? v2!!!!
-Awesomer than neopets anyday.Yay or nay? Of.  Cousr.  Yayyayayayay.

-What does TU stand for? Topic Unrelated

-Any other Res related topic.  Nope.  ^^;

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

9:25pm Aug 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 677

Lola, not everyone follows the rules.D;
Oh,try not to answer all the questions in one post,they're meant to be discussed in a group.xD


9:26pm Aug 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 2,962
Sorry. ^^;  Got to go.  =/

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

9:29pm Aug 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 677

I'm gonna be heading to bed soon anyways.xD
I'm getting rather Dizzy.O:


9:31pm Aug 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
I never knew what V1 was like....-is newbish- ;-; I only played for a little under two months..


9:46pm Aug 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 677

I've been playing for about 8 months,I think.:3
V1 was pretty awesome,but also reeeeaaaallly laggy alot of the time.o 3o


9:54pm Aug 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216
Res lag has taught me patience. XD


11:15pm Aug 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,018


-Username: XAllurcore
-Nicknames: Rose, (or someone give me one one day?)
-Original join date: 3/6/09
-How'd you discovered this little part of heaven(The site): After getting bored of Subeta, annoyed of Ichumon, I decided to look for a better one, after going through so many fails. I found Res and fell in love. 8)
-Favorite part about Res: Many different pets and colors they can be, have goals, on going. Can keep me busy on a bored day. =]


11:39pm Aug 29 2009

Normal User

Posts: 677

Hey,thanks for joining!:D
I hope you'll have fun here.:3


12:56am Aug 30 2009 (last edited on 1:00am Aug 30 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 2,036

-Username: milomouse
-Nicknames: milo, mouse, new nickname from school - Tum!!
-Original join date:
-How'd you discovered this little part of heaven(The site): I was bored of other VPS so was looking on internet and just found it. Miracle.
-Favorite part about Res: The forums. And pets.


5:22pm Sep 1 2009 (last edited on 5:27pm Sep 1 2009)

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

Res is awesome. c:

Hurm. A bio thing.. Why not? xD

Username - yoshirules.
Nicknames - ... I have a lot. Let's just go with Yoshi. xD
Join Date - November eighteenth of 2007, if I recall right. *too lazy to look at her profile* seventeenth. Just a day off. x3
How I Discovered It -
It was thanks to Pokemon Crater. I'd started getting into its community side, and eventually noticed that someone had sent me a note, which had Res' main link and a wish that I may find the place fun. I really wish I knew whom it was; I'd love to thank them.
Favourite Part - The people, most definitely. I've never met a more lovable bunch.


4:23am Sep 21 2009

Normal User

Posts: 185

 Hullo 8D

By Dawnheart o3o

12:35pm Sep 25 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1,117

 Res must be a part of my soul o_O. I feel like that, anyway. 

Of all the petsites I've tried, I found Res most appealing. And Pat's as awesome as Res is.

 So joining :D

Username: Wolfwinx
-Nicknames: Akari, Taiga
-Original join date: Hmm.. *doesn't remember* 3-4 months before the hack and rollback, maybe
-How'd you discovered this little part of heaven(The site): I was just browsing through the net and stumbled upon it and decided to give it a try

-Favorite part about Res: Everything! Especially the forums


7:04pm Jul 28 2010

Normal User

Posts: 1
Hey I'm a little new but do you mind if I join?

6:55am Jul 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2,086

Omg Drow everyone will have to join this fan club. :O It's too epic.

-Username: prianamagix
-Nicknames: Pri, Pria, Prian, Priana, PriaChan (only for Petsy)

-Original join date: May 17th 2009 ;3
-How'd you discovered this little part of heaven(The site): I forget. x3 I was just looking for something to do.
-Favorite part about Res: The meragons. :D


8:17pm Jan 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 10,925
-Username: paigecam
-Nicknames: Paige, Cam, Paigey, Paigeh, Cammie, Cammiekinz, Camcorder, and many more. o___o
-Original join date: March 19th, 2006
-How'd you discovered this little part of heaven(The site): My best friend Paige is Patrick's niece. o3o
-Favorite part about Res: The community and the forums. Oh, and the pets. <3

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


9:13pm Jan 24 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2,518

-Username: ZoeyRedbird
-Nicknames: Zoey, Zombeh, Zombehbird, ZombehByrd, Zombie, and Z

-Original join date: August 17, 2009
-How'd you discovered this little part of heaven(The site): Pandameg1996 finally convinced me to join.

-Favorite part about Res: The forums and all the awesome people here.

Muffinz 0_o

6:39pm Jan 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 4,355

Username: sonador
-Nicknames: Son, Sona and Sonador.
-Original join date: Febuary 2010.

-How'd you discovered this little part of heaven(The site): I typed in 'Virtual pet sites' and... Vwa la!


4:37pm Jan 26 2011 (last edited on 4:39pm Jan 26 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

Ohay. I'd been planning to do the form for the past few days.. and I just noticed I've already posted in this thread. xD

Lard, I sounded like a twat back then.

... And I still mix up my join date, hah. Always think it was the eighteenth, then I'm like. Nowait.



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