Slender Man

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11:01pm Sep 5 2010

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Posts: 620
I loves Slim Slendy. OuO He makes my life complete and stoof.


11:10pm Sep 5 2010

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Posts: 853


 photo 40 - DSZVXzV_zpsj5zwxtwe.jpg

12:27pm Sep 6 2010

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Posts: 10,925

-hugs Slim Slendy-


We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


5:09pm Sep 6 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,642

xD Slendy sure is getting a lot of love around Res lately.

It's kind of awesome. ♥


10:04pm Sep 6 2010

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Posts: 1,864
I'm Slim Slendy Yes I'm the real Slendy all you other Slim Slendy's are just imitendy's so won't the real slim slendy please stand up? Please stand up? Please stand up?


1:19am Sep 7 2010

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Posts: 1,707
-stands up- I is the real slim slendy. >;O


5:56am Sep 7 2010

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Posts: 3,642
FFFFFFFF. The real slim slendy is always standing. That's a paradoxical question. ;o


7:33pm Sep 7 2010

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Posts: 1,864

... D8

Yosheh is right.


Well, then we know who teh real one is then.


8:17pm Sep 7 2010

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Posts: 3,642

Buh. Taking naps at seven at night doesn't work. xD I wanted to get up and close my door all the way, but I was both too tired to.. and I was terrified Slendy was gonna be all, 'Ohaider.'

Darn it, you amazing slender thing. Stop scaring me. :U


12:35am Sep 8 2010

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Posts: 853

I couldn't sleep last night because there was a bug flying around my room. Tttthhhhhhhpt-thack.  The thought of it landing on my face... asfghjkl. it's not the boogeyman that makes me sleep in a blanket cocoon. but bugs.

Blast my irrational fears!

 photo 40 - DSZVXzV_zpsj5zwxtwe.jpg

9:30am Sep 8 2010

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Posts: 1,864

Aw, poor Grayvs. Dx I hate that feeling. I woke up once and something was on my neck so I froze and flicked it. All I know is that something tonked across the room.


4:00pm Sep 8 2010

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Posts: 10,925

-continues to stand up for the rest of my life-

Bahahah. I'm Slim Slendy. ;C

We fell through the ice when we tried not to slip.


4:50pm Sep 8 2010 (last edited on 4:50pm Sep 8 2010)

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Posts: 3,642

Huh. Bugs only really bother me sometimes. o3o Like this one time I found a spider on one of my bedposts. I have no idea why, but that spider had me out of my wits, even though I'm usually completely fine with them.

So.. I kind of slept with socks on both my feet and hands that night. xD

Oh, but now you have to stalk people and kidnap someone to train as a masked underling, Miss Slendy. c: And take over the nearest abandoned house you can find and jump any rascally kids who try investigating.


... D'awe. Now I really wanna try making my avatar look like him. xD That would be freakishly awesome. Even if I'm a girl.


5:12pm Sep 8 2010 (last edited on 5:15pm Sep 8 2010)

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Posts: 853

um. yeah. I wish I could make my avatar ANY bit creepy. And a man. D:< grrr.

 Back on topic. I love spiders, so I'm cool with them crawling all over in my room. It's the FLYING ones and the BLOOD SUCKERS that get me. I have nightmares about being covered in ticks and... yeah. bleh.

Now back on the actual topic!

I doodled these in a week ago. o3o

 Slender Man truly occupies my thoughts for a majority of the time.

I'm designing a wine label in graphic design so here is my logo for it. Hahah. For he is so cla.ssy. They'll never know what kind of wine they're buying...

 photo 40 - DSZVXzV_zpsj5zwxtwe.jpg

5:13pm Sep 8 2010 (last edited on 9:11pm Sep 9 2010)

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Posts: 3,642


Raver Man. 8D


6:33am Sep 9 2010 (last edited on 9:22pm Sep 9 2010)

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Posts: 3,642

Homg, how did I not see that post before mine?

That.. is super awesome. xD Slender wine ftw.

And I certainly can't say I don't do the same thing with the doodles. Hurr. x3 Sometimes I wish I had actual charcoal so I could get all messy with it. Just doesn't seem as epic in plain pencil.

*edits for the sake of not triple-posting*

So. I.. I think I'll try finally watching Entry 23. xD Decided to rewatch the series, and up until a couple Entries ago I was fine. Now I'm getting all squirmy again.. That freaking house from 22 and 23 is so. alkjdfaj.

And DAH, Admission. I just noticed I hadn't watched that one. It.. it's even worse than Return. 8(


5:42pm Sep 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 3,642
Bump. :U


8:50pm Sep 10 2010 (last edited on 8:50pm Sep 10 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 853

Go get some charcoal. I'd give you some... but I can't phase things through my computer monitor. DD:

And yeah. For some reason people don't like "creepy things" and they don't sell very well... so I had to change the design a few times. Poo. 

I can barely remember 23. o-o I watched them all in like, one sitting. The only one that me jump was that one when the mask guy was on the couch. yeah. cuz he just spazzed out and jeez. It was Entry 18, I think.  WE'RE ON TO YOU, TIM!

 photo 40 - DSZVXzV_zpsj5zwxtwe.jpg

10:37pm Sep 10 2010

Normal User

Posts: 215

Great, Yosher. ;c Because I really needed ANOTHER creepy thing to obsess over.

/totally watching the videos and reading 'bout the SLEEEENDEEEER tomorrow after sleep

"Stay thy blade from the flesh of the innocent. Hide in plain sight. Never compromise the Brotherhood."
Live and die by the Assassin's Creed. Will you take the Leap of Faith?

11:14am Sep 11 2010

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Posts: 556


he creates typos and lag ;c

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