Virtual Pet Game Fan Club (V.P.G.F.C.)

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8:41pm Apr 20 2012

Normal User

Posts: 24
YAY! I'm FINALLY back on Rescreatu! I admit that have been back for a while now, but I've been SOOOO busy! You guys kind of owed anyway, so lets consider each other equal now. :)

In this weeks competition, you will be required to write a review about one of your fave VPGs. Must be between 100-1000 characters long. Your review can contain ANYTHING you want, just as long as it is within the character limits. Images from your selected site (if you are allowed to use them) will NOT count towards your character limit.

You guys should know the rules by now, just check the past Comp posts.


Nevermind me. Just entirely ignore this sig. :) Nothing important to go here... For now.

5:23am Apr 25 2012

Normal User

Posts: 24
OK, the Comp has closed and, of course, nobody entered.

P.S. The next Quiz will be held on the 1st of May, as it is time for another Mascot Comp. 

Nevermind me. Just entirely ignore this sig. :) Nothing important to go here... For now.

2:35am May 2 2012 (last edited on 2:36am May 2 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 24
Sorry I'm a day late, but the internet was so horrible yesterday, I wanted to cry!

This months theme is.............Varied! Yes folks, Varied! So all the Quiz questions will be taken out of your Fave VPGs. EXCEPT for the last question, KILLER SIX, which will be taken from a site that's NOT in your fave VPGs!

1. Who won the latest raffle?
2. How many monsters can you have on one Moshi Monsters account?
3. What makes Squiby different from your average VPG?
4. Name one species of Neopet from Neopets-
5. What Social Network site can you use to play Ovipets?
6. Name the newest species of dinosaur  in Exhibited-

Good Luck, and Don't Forget That This is a Mascot Comp!

Nevermind me. Just entirely ignore this sig. :) Nothing important to go here... For now.

2:34am May 10 2012 (last edited on 2:35am May 10 2012)

Normal User

Posts: 24
Sorry about the lateness AGAIN, but I'm busy AND feeling horribly sick. The weekly comp has closed with no participates.There may not be comps for a while, It will depend on what I'm feeling like. :|

Nevermind me. Just entirely ignore this sig. :) Nothing important to go here... For now.

3:16am May 12 2012

Normal User

Posts: 306
I would love to join!!

Res Username/Nickname
Your Fave VPG/s (Will Accept Too Hard or Too Many):
ChickenSmoothie, Wajas, and Pokefarm

Your Username on Fave VPG/s (Will Accept Too Many):
ChickenSmoothie - Jaryk
Wajas ID - 106608
Pokefarm - Jaryk

Can We Add You On As a Friend Your Fave VPG/s (This Includes Res!)
Of course! The more the merrier

See my profile for the items I am collecting!

11:08am Jun 26 2012

Normal User

Posts: 1,003

I would love to join

Res Username/Nickname
Your Fave VPG/s (Will Accept Too Hard or Too Many):
ChickenSmoothie, rescreatu,binweevils and moshi monsters

Your Username on Fave VPG/s (Will Accept Too Many):
ChickenSmoothie - ILUCREATUS
Binweevils - Puluki
Moshi Monsters - Moshi534218127

Can We Add You On As a Friend Your Fave VPG/s (This Includes Res!)
No sorry

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