[returning player] Creatu Values?

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10:58am Nov 28 2024

Normal User

Posts: 7
hello, everyone! I'm back after nearly 10 years and i'm trying to get reacquainted with the website!! Of course most of my pets are dead so I have to work on resurrecting them x.x but i'm also trying to clear out my showroom and sell some pets I don't really love anymore!! So I was wondering how do I know the value of my pet? I know there's a 'cheapest value' section in the ranch shop which helps, but i was wondering if there are any other things other than species and color that might influence a pet's price!!
Thanks!! ♥
(I'd also appreciate if you guys have any topics to link with info pertinent for returning players, if you can think of any!! x'D)

{they/them} - Brazilian, Adult, Neurodivergent
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