A Guide To Training Stats

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11:43am Mar 21 2022 (last edited on 11:37am Apr 2 2022)

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Posts: 2,713
Ginger Training TokenCream Training TokenSilver Training Token

With the release of the Training Grounds, Res has brought back a much-loved feature from V1: stat training!

At the Training Grounds, found under Activities, you can train a pet in any of the following stats: Health, Defense, Power, and Agility.

Health has an influence on how long your creatu can Explore. By increasing Health, the creatu is able to Explore for longer periods of time.
Defense does not currently affect anything.
Power has an influence on the amount of Relking Coins your creatu can find while Treasure Hunting. For every combined 100 stats in Power and Agility, the creatu gains +1 to the number of coins they find.
Agility has an influence on the amount of Relking Coins your creatu can find while Treasure Hunting. For every combined 100 stats in Power and Agility, the creatu gains +1 to the number of coins they find.

Achromatic Training TokenBlack Training TokenOpal Training Token

Two other stats that come in handy for Exploring, though not Treasure Hunting, are Nourishment and Intellect. These cannot be trained at the Training Grounds, but are instead gained in alternate ways.

Nourishment has an influence on the rate that your creatu loses their Hunger while Exploring. The higher the Nourishment stat, the slower the creatu loses hunger. Nourishment is gained by feeding different foods to your creatu. You can view a pet's Nourishment, and foods they have or have not eaten, by clicking on their picture in the active pet box.
Intellect has an influence on the rate that your creatu finds items while Exploring. The higher the Intellect stat of a creatu, the greater chance it has of bringing back items instead of eggs. Intellect is gained by reading various books to your creatu. You can view a pet's Intellect, and books they have or have not read, by clicking on their picture in the active pet box.
[NOTE: You can also change your Explore pet's settings to Prefer Items by selecting Pacing Strategies from the Explore page.]

As you can see, my pet Christine has an Intellect stat of 266 and a Nourishment stat of 107. Her Intellect stat increases her chances of finding an item while Exploring by 3%. Her Nourishment stat causes her to lose hunger 1% slower while Exploring.

Calico Training TokenGold Training TokenRainbow Training Token

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


11:43am Mar 21 2022 (last edited on 11:44am Apr 2 2022)

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Posts: 2,713
One Relking CoinFifty Relking CoinOne Hundred Relking Coin

Treasure Hunting is the easiest way to gain Relking Coins in the game.

Relking Coins are used for soooo many different things. Test your luck with a Natural Colored Jelly Bean from Twunties Treasures, buy a rare treasure from Cain's Hoard, give your creatu a shiny new coat of paint at Ty's Dyes, or even sell them to other users for some extra TU!

Natural Colored Jelly BeanExclusive Kioka SquishyLemon Dye Kit

Treasure Hunting can be done every 60 minutes. To send a pet out hunting, simply click on the Relking Coins button underneath your Human Avatar image, or click on Activities > Treasure Hunter.

Once on the page, First Mate Bay and Captain Twuntie will greet you, and ask you to send a pet out Treasure Hunting. From the selection page, you can view the creatu eligible to send out. Select one, send it exploring, and it will return in 60 minutes with a randomized amount of Relking Coins.
NOTE: Creatu must have at least 80 Hunger and 100 Health to be able to treasure hunt.

An untrained creatu usually gains between 1-5 Relking Coins per exploration. There is a rare chance of gaining a +20 token bonus after an exploration.

If you are willing to put in the time and effort to increase your pet's Power and Agility stats, they will gain a permanent bonus to the amount of Relking Coins that they gain during every exploration. As mentioned in the first section, your pet will gain a +1 bonus for every combined 100 stats in Power and Agility.

Below, I have created a chart showing just how many Relking coins your pet would gain with each bonus point, as well as with the randomized +20 bonus.

The current cap for the Treasure Hunting bonus is +15, as confirmed by Patrick.

It is worth noting that stats can also be altered in a few other ways. Primarily, stats can be gained or lost randomly in the Enchanted Springs and the Ice Tunnels during winter.

The following items also alter stats:
Cherry Blossom Potion (+2 HEA)
Liquid Courage (+5 DEF)
Spring Potion (+1 HEA)
Uldavian Defense Potion (+6 DEF)
Uldavian Fruit Salad (+3 HEA)
Uldavian Intellect Potion (+3 INT)
Uldavian Power Potion (+6 POW)
Uldavian Speed Potion (+6 SPD)

Uldavian Power PotionUldavian Fruit SaladUldavian Speed Potion

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


11:43am Mar 21 2022 (last edited on 8:01pm Mar 21 2022)

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
Atquati SwordReiflem SwordRelcore Sword

At the Training Grounds, you will see four slots for training pets. At this time, there is no way to gain more training slots.

To start off, they will be empty, but once you send a pet to train, the slot will show the pet's image, as well as how much time is left in their training.

Click on one of the plus icons and select the creatu you'd like to train. From there, select whether to train your pet in Health, Defense, Power, or Agility.

Four subclasses are offered for each stat. Different training sessions require different tokens to complete. As far as I can tell, each creatu is unique in which tokens it needs for a class, and how many. No two pets, even of the same species, require the exact same Training Tokens for a class.

Quick classes take 6 hours to complete. They cost 5 Training Tokens and increase a stat by +1.
Casual classes take 10 hours to complete. They cost 9 Training Tokens and increase a stat by +2.
Intense classes take 16 hours to complete. They cost 15 Training Tokens and increase a stat by +4.
Extreme classes take 24 hours to complete. They cost 25 Training Tokens and increase a stat by +7.

Though they take both the longest amount of time and the most amount of tokens, Extreme classes are the most cost-effective class in terms of stat gain.

Indigo Training TokenTrance Training TokenAzure Training Token

Training Tokens can be gained several different ways.

The primary method of earning tokens is through Harlow's Donation Drive, which can be found under Activities. Harlowe gives you 30 minutes to hand in 1-4 items found in Rescreatu's NPC Shops, in exchange for a random Training Token and a random TU token. Keep in mind, though, you can only take 25 quests for Harlowe per day.

The secondary method is buying them from merchant shops. Type the name of the token you're looking for into the search bar in order to find the cheapest price. You may also randomly find tokens in Relcore's Trash Isthmus, from which you can take one item per day.

The tertiary and final method of gaining tokens is through the Wishing Well. Located on the Training page, you can put in two tokens to receive another colored token of your choice.

If you know any other ways of gaining stats or training tokens, feel free to submit them to me.

In the meantime, happy training!

Moon StaffPink StaffSea Cloth Blade

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


12:38pm Mar 21 2022 (last edited on 10:12pm Aug 5 2024)

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Posts: 2,713
TIPS AND TRICKS [Aug. 5, 2024]

1. Harlow’s Quest gives you 25 training tokens a day! It is the only quest that asks for items currently stocked in NPC shops, which makes it easy to do for new users. (Note: I don’t recommend starting a new quest after the clock hits xx.x9, as if the time rolls over to the next minute, the shops will restock, and your required quest items may no longer be in the shops.)

2. I recommend having at least 15-20 of each training token on hand before you start training. You never know what color it will ask for, and it asks for a random amount of each token.

3. I recommend training two pets, at least until they reach at least three bonus Relking Coins. At that point you can stop training one and focus solely on training the other. This is because you can send one pet out treasure hunting while the other is training. The bonus RC you receive can be sold and used to buy more training tokens!

4. Power and speed potions can be crafted using the Power Pira and Speed Stoor from K1R807's shop. These will increase a pet's power and speed respectively by +2.

5. A combination of potions and training is the key to increasing your pet's stats quickly and earning more RC!

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


7:53pm Mar 21 2022


Posts: 333
Oh my goodness! What a well thought out and comprehensive thread. This is going to help so many people. Thank you!!

Forever collecting Drachid creatu & Items!

7:57pm Mar 21 2022

Normal User

Posts: 2,713
Thank you Ave :D I'm glad it will be useful for everyone

Officially the Albino Veram King.

58/100 albino Veram


3:43am Mar 22 2022

Normal User

Posts: 128
Someone said that you can train your pet to have +5 bonus for the Relking Coin hunting at this time.
It may increase in the future, but better to confirm with site staff.

Otherwise, it is really great.

11:18pm May 25 2023

Normal User

Posts: 304
bless you for making this ;_; I come back to this so often, its immensely helpful!!


11:12am Aug 12 2024

Normal User

Posts: 82
This is amazing and so helpful. Thank you Sarentu<3

custom black kioka by the amazingly talented lake
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