A suggestion on pricing eggs and creatu

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7:21am Apr 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 37
A note to the reader: I randomly chose most of these numbers. Feel free to post with suggestions.
Contributors to pricing eggs: 
Base Value - you should use 1,000 tu as a base value because you can let a creatu go for 1,000 tu. In-season seasonal eggs should start at 800,000 tu, out-of-season seasonal eggs should start at a little more, 1,000,000 tu, and Uldavi/CS eggs should start at a little more - 1,800,000 tu.
Age - older eggs are worth less. Halve the value of an egg for every stage it goes down.
Rarity - rarer eggs are worth more. Add 100 times the rarity subtracted from 100.
Contributors to pricing creatu:
Base Value - base value is the same for eggs and creatu.
Age - time is money. Add 100 times the age of the creatu.
Color - not all colors are equal. Add 100 times the color rarity subtracted from 10. Color rarity can be found in the Hatchery.
Rarity - rarity is the same for eggs and creatu.
Effects - effects like Derp, Stardust, and Frost Light are valuable. add 500,000 tu per effect on the creature.
Custom Art - if your creatu has custom art it is REALLY valuable. Add 5 billion tu to the worth of your creatu if it has custom art.
Mutant: mutants are rather difficult to obtain. Add 50,000 to the worth of your creatu if it is mutant.

It is mostly random items, but I have some pretty cool stuff in my merchant shop.

12:33pm Apr 7 2016


Posts: 3,216
I'm afraid a lot of this is wrong ;n; 

Out of season seasonals- I would say 3mil plus

In season seasonals I would say 1.5mil plus

CS eggs- 50mil plus when in the CS 
70mil plus out of the CS 

Uldavi eggs- 270mil plus 

Most people dont mind the age of the pet unless it's prehistoric or SUPER SUPER old and so rarely adds value. 

the colour can add ALOT more than a few hundred TU to the price. 

OAK (custom effect) does add alot of value to a pet but I think the price really does depend on personal preference and the seller. 5bil is ALOT of tu to ask for.

Effects have different prices 

Not all mutants are of equal value either 


12:41pm Apr 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 841
Rescreatu has a free market, items, eggs and creatu will sell for what ever a buyer and seller can agree upon between them. The market is always fluctuating based on the number of people selling the item and the demand for it. 


2:05pm Apr 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 37
Note that I said this was a suggestion.

It is mostly random items, but I have some pretty cool stuff in my merchant shop.

5:41am Jun 8 2016

Normal User

Posts: 127
What did I just read?...

5:43am Jun 8 2016

Normal User

Posts: 400
Subbing ✌ although I see a lot of flaws I want to see how this turns out x 
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