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6:47am Feb 22 2015

Normal User

Posts: 10
What do the iluvu rocks do? Is there a use to them?

7:19am Feb 22 2015


Posts: 3,216

Last year a special valentines event shop opened where you could trade in rocks for items :D


7:41am Feb 22 2015

Normal User

Posts: 10
Is it not open this year? :c
Will it at least open up eventually? I heard there were some issues with the tools for the staff.

8:59am Feb 22 2015


Posts: 3,216

hopefully, just have to wait and see. Keep an eye on the updates :)


12:13pm Feb 22 2015

Normal User

Posts: 2,403
Can you give iluvu rocks, iluvus and vaspis?


4:15pm Feb 22 2015

Normal User

Posts: 606
Sorry lilie, we're not given any information about the event as of yet either so I wouldn't know.


9:40pm Mar 7 2015 (last edited on 9:43pm Mar 7 2015)

Normal User

Posts: 6


10:49am Mar 24 2015

Normal User

Posts: 6
Hello, I  am doing the quests and I can't figure out how to get food out of the food pen so that I can use it for the food quest. Anybody know how to help?

10:52am Mar 24 2015


Posts: 3,216
Im afraid you cant remove food from the food pen, only move it to other users food pens >< 


10:58am Mar 24 2015

Normal User

Posts: 6
Okay, thanks.

11:55am Mar 24 2015


Posts: 3,216

good luck :D


11:46pm Mar 24 2015

Normal User

Posts: 11
What are WL items?

6:13am Mar 25 2015


Posts: 3,216

WL? Do you mean wish list? *derp*


9:56am Apr 8 2015

Normal User

Posts: 75
Do eggs age while in storage like they do everywhere else?


2:30pm Apr 8 2015

Normal User

Posts: 2,403
I accidentally left 120 unspent points in Gwens Shop, will it be there next year?


6:29pm Apr 8 2015

Normal User

Posts: 606
Only time will tell lilie. Unless someone else knows. I do know that a while back I had a heap of points left in an event and in the next event of that kind all my points were lost. >.>


3:10pm Apr 26 2015

Normal User

Posts: 30
When it comes to rare eggs, is it better to hatch them and then sell the creatu or to just sell the egg unhatched? By better I guess I mean which will make the most money and which do people prefer buying?

3:17pm Apr 26 2015


Posts: 3,216
That's a tough one as hatching relies alot on luck 
With Cash shop eggs (the species listed below "other" on the creatu species list) it's defiantly more profitable to sell the eggs rather than the creatu.  
For findable species I would say that selling the eggs would be more profitable too (and a more reliable way to make tu) though you wont make and potentially have to sell alot of eggs to make the effort of finding them worth while. 
I hop this helped but as I said before hatching is based on luck ^^"" 
maybe try a few weeks of each and see how it goes/ what you feel more comfortable doing 


3:25pm Apr 26 2015

Normal User

Posts: 30
Thank you so much for the help, and replying so quickly. I think I'm gonna keep selling the eggs for a time. I just encountered a situation where I have only one of a certain type of egg that is a 0.95% rarity and wasn't sure what to do. Usually I end up with more than one so I sell just the one but this was a bit different. Also, are there any real benefits to hatching and keeping rarer ones?

4:16pm Apr 26 2015


Posts: 3,216
hmmm unless you collect the pets or plan to do K1rs quest there's no real benefit to keeping them 

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