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2:57pm Mar 5 2017 (last edited on 8:19pm Mar 5 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 32
I was looking through the Cash Shop and noticed the deion for the class change tokens were "Have you used up all 4 of your class changes? Purchase this token to change your class to Rancher/Merchant."

How do you change your class? What is a "class change"?

Thanks in advance :)

2:18am Mar 6 2017


Posts: 3,217
Classes slightly change game play on Res. 
Members of the Rancher Class have three hatches a day and can open a rancher shop to sell pets 
Members of the Merchant Class have one hatch a day but get a discount in NPC shops and can open a Merchant shop. 

You can change your class for free by going: 
Prefrences under your log out button)> Class change

You only get four free class changes but the tokens sold in the CS will let you change your class if you've ran out of free changes. 


7:05pm Mar 6 2017

Normal User

Posts: 32
Thank you! But what will happen to my merchant shop when I change classes?

4:05pm Mar 8 2017

Normal User

Posts: 789
It'll stay as you left it, but you won't be able to edit the stock or check your till.

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