Enchanted springs tier rewards

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6:35pm Apr 17 2022

Normal User

Posts: 239
Mainly because I haven’t been able to get past a certain point, due to forgetting to log on, Ive never figured out what the rewards are past tier 3? I know in tier 3 it starts letting you dye creatu, but what’s past that?

12:22am Sep 19 2022

Normal User

Posts: 557
I was going to ask the same question as well on what are the rewards for each tier. Strangely, Ive observed that i get more colour changes in lower tiers than where I am now which is prize tier 5.

Can any staff kindly provide info on Enchanted Springs rewards for each tier please? Especially on the probability for dye kit colour changes and non-dye kit colour changes at each tier.


5:58am Sep 19 2022 (last edited on 9:15pm Sep 20 2022)


Posts: 333
This actually prompted me to launch a huge project. You can find the final results here:

Hope it helps!!

Forever collecting Drachid creatu & Items!
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