Human Avatar guide

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11:52am Oct 11 2016 (last edited on 1:56pm Feb 24 2018)


Posts: 3,217

🌸Hello and welcome to Rescreatu (or a plain old hello)!🌸

Human Avatars (HA's for short) are a fun feature here on Rescreatu. They're a chance to really express yourself through fashion, dress up for special holidays and events or even cosplay as your favourite characters!
In this thread I'll be covering a few frequently asked questions as well as showing you a helpful guide to wrinkle out the kinks in your new outfit. 


There's a HUGE number of clothing items here you'll be spoilt for choice!
There's a few different ways to get clothes
You can buy clothing items from the NPC shops:

Fashion Galore, 

Holiday collections 

and there's even a few wearable items in the Armour shack!

Get them through events and from the cash shop. 

Some flowers that you can pick in Atqueen forest can be worn too!

You can access everything Human avatar related by clicking the "Change Avatar" button below your HA's head or using the drop-down menu on the blue navigation bar. 

🌸Body Features- from here you'll be able to change your Human avatars features. These include:
*skin colour
*Eye colour and shape
*Hair colour and style 

Use the arrows to cycle through the options and make sure to click "Save" when you're happy! 

🌸Wardrobe- This is where you can dress your HA, we'll cover this in depth in a bit! 

🌸Dream Builder- The dream builder is a fantastic feature, from here you see all clothing items that Rescreatu has to offer. You can dress up your HA using any of the items to see what it looks like and to make a fabulous outfit which you can work towards. During some events, it can also be used to enter dress-up contests! 

🌸Closet- The closet holds all of your clothing items, if you ever want to send an item to another user you can do it from here by: 
Finding the item> Clicking the item> Filling in blank space with the receiver's username.

🌸Clothing Rack- The clothing rack is mainly for clothing collectors, here you can store your clothes. Be warned: Once a piece of clothing is in your clothing rack you won't be able to wear it, BUT you can always take it out again :'D 



11:52am Oct 11 2016 (last edited on 12:50pm Oct 11 2016)


Posts: 3,217
You've gathered some fabulous clothes and you can't wait to try them on! Let's walk you through how to dress yourself.

Like I mentioned in the previous post you need to go to your wardrobe. 

Your wardrobe has several different sections, lets have a look. 

^ This is the Human avatar navigation bar ^

^This is your Clothing Slots and your Human Avatar. Once you put a piece of clothing in the clothing slot it'll appear on your avatar ^

^This is where you can see all of your clothes and accessories. They'll be separated into different categories, to change category simply click on the Categories name at the side of the page.^ 


To put on an item click it, a separate window will pop up. 

From here you can either click "Apply" or "OK" It'll then show up in your clothing slots. 

If you want to remove an item click on it while it's in one of your slots, then click "Del" to remove it.


11:53am Oct 11 2016 (last edited on 1:03pm Oct 11 2016)


Posts: 3,217
🌸🌸VOILA 🌸🌸

You're all dressed

But wait, that's not how you wanted it too look? 
All the clothes are over lapping each other in odd ways ;0; 

Don't worry! Most of the time this is an easy fix.

All you have to do if change the "Z-index" 

The Z-index moves an item backward or forward

Click on the clothing item you want to move while it's in your HA slot to bring up the separate window.

At the bottom you will see a field with a number in it, make this number higher to move the item forward (aka, make it go above another item) and make the number smaller to move it back wards (aka make the item go below/ behind another item) 

Some items have multiple layers, like this Ebilia Spirit. You can tell it has multiple layers because there is also a scroll bar at the bottom. Each la
yer will have it's on Z-index that you can change, simply scroll across the find them.

There we go! 
Don't you look lovely ^U^*

Make sure to save!🌸🌸


11:53am Oct 11 2016 (last edited on 4:46pm Apr 23 2019)


Posts: 3,217
Other stuff 

🌸Sometimes clothing items get stuck. They'll show up in your closets but wont be in your wardrobe. If this happens send in a support ticket with as much information as you can. A member of the Support department will reset your wardrobe and free the item. 

🌸Male and Female HA can wear the same clothing items but they will be redrawn to fit onto the different bases

🌸 Sometimes when you change your HA and save the changes wont show up in the forums or on your profile. Try hard refreshing!
 (F5 seems to hard refresh for me [rarther than the standard refresh?? idek] but you can also try Ctrl+f5 or google, it may be different )

If you have any other questions don't be afraid to ask!


7:38am May 16 2020

Normal User

Posts: 19
how do I change my avatar's gender?

Please check out my rancher shop and possibly also my merchant shop
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