I can't send my egg to anyone!

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6:45pm Feb 20 2015

Normal User

Posts: 10
I'm new and it's probably silly, but I can't send my egg to anyone. I just recently joined, and had gotten my boyfriend to join with me. I wanted to send him an egg for him to hatch, but I can't even see the type box for the egg I wanted to send!


Above is a picture of my predicament. I can't scroll down, move the box, or anything. Nothing is clickable to raise the box up. The deion is too long and there is NO scroll bar whatsoever! When I scroll my browser page all the way down, it cuts the deion box off. And, the "send an egg" option is located at the bottom. Is there another way to send my egg? Or is there something really obvious that I'm missing?

7:26pm Feb 20 2015

Normal User

Posts: 1,444
To send eggs, just check the boxes under the ones you want to send and click "Transfer Selected" at the bottom of the hatchery. No need to open the item deion window :) It'll prompt you for the username of the person you want to send them to and then you just click Transfer X Eggs.

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