I cant sellTradeSend some items i own. WHY?

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6:25pm Oct 27 2015

Normal User

Posts: 376


This has been going on for awhile now.

Im unable to sell, trade or send items or some clothes. They wont appear. Ive tried many things to fix it but nothing seems to work.

Eg: The wings im wearing on my avatar right now wont appear when I try to send to other users, or when I try to put them on my erchant sop, or when I try to trade them on trades.

If someone could help me understand whats going on and how I can fix it ID REALLY APPREICIATE IT!

-Islandgirl (in desperate need of help ) 


6:26pm Oct 27 2015

Normal User

Posts: 376
erchant sop is meant to be merchant shop


10:57am Oct 28 2015


Posts: 3,217


Ahh there are a few issues with clothing items, sometimes they get stuck in limbo. Usually the best solution is to ask a member of the Support team to reset your wardrobe.

If you go Rmail> support ticket (a tab in the Rmail page) and explain what's happening I sure they can fix it for you :)

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