I suck terribly at pricing. Please help me

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12:37am Jan 27 2016 (last edited on 9:29pm Jan 27 2016)

Normal User

Posts: 310
I have a few creatu that I am hoplessly failing at pricing.
This is what I'm dealing with at the moment.

(I currently have one offer but I  don't want to cheat them or myself)
- Ginger Iluvu
- Undead
- Frost Light

Awrty (In my rancher for 30mill. Is that reasonable?)
- Calico Draqua
- Undead
- Frost Light


RWNs with -s, -ing, -ed, -ly, and -tion
 - Black Vogar
 - Silver Vogar
 - Ginger Ebilia

I'm not expecting to be able to get a large amount of time for the last  grouping, I'm just not sure what those kinds of RWNs range for.

Thank you in advance to anyone that can help!

I also have other kinds of names like ScienceFair, DailyNews, and other two word names but I'll save that for later.

See my profile for the items I am collecting!

9:30pm Jan 27 2016

Normal User

Posts: 122
200mil at the lowest for CopyCat? Not sure about the others

https://dragcave.net/user/TaviBear\r\nView my eggs please

9:34pm Jan 27 2016

Normal User

Posts: 310
Really Panda? Wow, my guesstimate was nowhere in that ballpark.
Thank you for your input :)

See my profile for the items I am collecting!

8:36am Jul 9 2016

Normal User

Posts: 43
     It depends on whether you want to wait a little while for someone with enough tu and an interest in the pet to come around. Or if you want tu quickly and a guarantee that they will buy.

If you're willing to wait, you can price it as high as you want, but I wouldn't go above 500mil.

Copycat = hmm, somewhere around 10-50mil because of the Frostlight and Undead effects. Those are pretty valuable, and I bet you could go higher.

Awrty = if you're willing to wait, then 30mil is fairly reasonable. It shouldn't be long before someone comes along

For the last group, maybe 5-10mil, depending on how valuable you or the buyer think they are. As long as you're willing to wait

If you need tu very quickly, then I suggest pricing them in the lower 10mils or, if you want to take a risk, maybe even in the high 100ks. When people see amazing pets like that for a very reasonably low price, they definitely get interested. You might not make millions, but if you stick to the lower side of things, you are more likely to get buyers quickly. Buyers want a good deal, and when they see one, they take it. The lower your valuable Creatu are priced, the more people will want to buy them. So overall, you get tu faster if you need it for something immediate.

     So really, it's up to you and your preferences. You don't have to follow any of my suggestions, and I'm definitely not an expert on pricing, but I think that's what I'd do. I hope this helped, and good luck selling your Creatu!

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