im DYEING for some help

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5:47pm Aug 13 2017 (last edited on 5:48pm Aug 13 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 3
sorry for the pun (not really)
Hey all! I used to play this game back in the day (like when the site was a white/light blue... oh man those were the days) and I cannot for the life of me remember how to obtain dye kits. I did read that you can find them on the black market or you can buy them from other users, is that really the only way? also whenever I go to the black market lately it tells me leave now, so is it not refreshed very often? is there a trick to this?
Ok onto my next question on dyeing, the dye kit squishy's (when you have a completed one) says you can use this to dye a squishy. Is it lying to me because I tried dyeing a malal squishy and it told me this item has no current use? or is there a certain way you go about this? (the squishy I used was already sepia, do they have to be naturally colored first?) 
If anyone can help me, thank you! 

6:52pm Aug 13 2017

Normal User

Posts: 1,764
Yes, thats the only way to obtain dye kits. That or you can get them from the annual shop that comes around and buy them with value vouchers (they come in twos/all in one pack that way). When you visit the black market you have a chance of being kicked. This refreshes at reset but you can get kicked again your first time visiting after reset,  its completely random. To dye a squishy you have to go to the cooking basin which is on reiflem. You have to have a natural squishy selected first then select the dye kit squishy.  Hope this helps. 


7:07pm Aug 13 2017

Normal User

Posts: 3
This was very helpful! Thank you!
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