8:29pm Jun 30 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 2
What the ti tle says, is it normal to find another planet's berries on... well, another planet? Because today I was 'egg hunting' on Atquati and I found Reiflem berries twice. Usually I find Relcore berries on Relcore and not anywhere else. So... is this normal? I just find it odd, why are 'fire planet' berries on a 'water planet'?
2:58pm Jul 2 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 841
It is normal, Like real life these berry plants found their way onto all the plants through various methods, the most likely is that creatu who traveled to the other planets and brought the berries back or had eaten them before returning to their proper home. Its also likely other people brought back entire plants, and that the planets sell/trade their collected crops of the berries.
10:14pm Jul 6 2016
Normal User 
Posts: 2
Yes, yes, makes lots of sense. Seeds have lots of different methods to get around. Thanks!