Missing Creatus/Not in graveyard?

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12:34am Jan 5 2023

Normal User

Posts: 202
Hiyah everyone! Long time no see. I think I was on here back in 2012! Decided to pick it back up since it was so much fun. <3 That being said, I went through all my old auctions that ended because no one bidded on them (Creatu wise) but cant seem to find that pet in my inventory OR the graveyard; but he still has a tag and number just no name!  

This is a blonde Iluvu so if possible I'd like to figure out how to get him back since he is still around somewhere! (No one purchased him, just disappeared) ;---; Thank you so much in advance! If you need the tag number lemme know!

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12:35am Jan 5 2023

Normal User

Posts: 202
* correction; ID # not tag

And what is up with the ones that have no pic? I take it those did get deleted?

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12:35am Jan 5 2023

Normal User

Posts: 202
* correction; ID # not tag

And what is up with the ones that have no pic? I take it those did get deleted?

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7:28am Jan 5 2023

Normal User

Posts: 1,764
What is the ID #?


12:24am Jan 6 2023

Normal User

Posts: 202
ID# 2235793 
And sorry not blonde, lemon but still! Thank you so much for looking into this. <3

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