Name help?

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5:13pm Feb 1 2017 (last edited on 5:16pm Feb 1 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 404
I sincerely apologize if this is in the wrong category ; w ; I had asked for assistance so please know it's not intentional! Anyway...

I'm trying to price names so i can stick them in my rancher. Some I haven't gotten around to listing what they are exactly (flowers) but they'll be added at some point soon ; w ; 

ChristmasCarolling - 
DewDropLight - 
EarthsOceans - 
FreshSprings -
FurTree - 
FuzzyStocking - 
GoldenChristmasStar - 
InfernalDragon -  
Jinglybell -  
Kaliedascope (a misspelling) - 
KrisCringle - 
LegacyDragon -  
Liquify - 
NewYearsGhost -  
SeaBreath -  
SilverIcicle -  
StarTreeTopper -  
StripedStocking - 
TreeLights -  
WoodenOrnament -  
MensRea  (It means guilty mind - law term)-   
ActusReus (means guilty act - law term) - 
RuleOfLaw (law term) -  
CivilLaw (law term) -  

plants ; w ; mostly scientific names

AechmeaFasciata - urn plant/silver vase plant
Ageratum - whiteweed
Angelonia - aneglonia
AntirrhinumMajus - snap dragon seed pod
Apocynceae - misspelled of apocynaceae
Aubrieta - Aubrieta
BatPlant - bat plant or Tacca Integrifolia
CalceolariaUniflora - chamber maids
CaleanaMajor - flying duck orchid
Campanulaceae - partof the bellflower family c:
CupheaLlavea - bat faced cuphea
Cypripedioideae -
DilleniaIndica - elephant apple
DraculaSimie - misspelled version of Monkey Face Orchid
DrakaeaGlyptodon - hammer orchid
GloriosaSuperba - flame lily
HydnoraAfricana - subterranean plant
ImpatiensBequaertii - dancing girls
ImpatiensPsittacina - parrot flower
LithopsComptonii - lithops weberi
OphrysApifera - bee orchid
OrchisItalica - naked man orchid
PassifloraIncarnata - passion flower
PecteilisRadiata - white egret orchid
PhalaenopsisAmabilis - moth orchid/tiger face in moon orchid/virgin mary in moon orchid
PsychotriaElata - hookers lips (its actually really pretty c: )
SwainsonaFormosa - desert pea
ZingiberSpectabile - beehive ginger

Dating Darkgrimm since Jan21/16 | Engaged to DarkGrimm since June 4th/23

3:28am Feb 2 2017


Posts: 3,216
I'm terrible at pricing names but I'll give this a go. To be honest I doubt the majority of these won't add much more value to a pet, if it adds anything at all ;n; 

ChristmasCarolling -  100k
DewDropLight - /
EarthsOceans - 50k
FreshSprings - /
FurTree - /
FuzzyStocking -  /
GoldenChristmasStar - /
InfernalDragon -  /
Jinglybell -  /
Kaliedascope (a misspelling) - /
KrisCringle - /
LegacyDragon -  /
Liquify - /
NewYearsGhost -  80k
SeaBreath -  /
SilverIcicle -  /
StarTreeTopper -  /
StripedStocking - /
TreeLights -  /
WoodenOrnament -  /
MensRea  (It means guilty mind - law term)-   100k
ActusReus (means guilty act - law term) - 100k
RuleOfLaw (law term) -  100k
CivilLaw (law term) -  100k

The scientific/ plant names:

These are pretty cool, maybe about 200-400k each? 

ahh like I said I'm really bad with names! Remember that name pricing is a really subjective thing, someone could really love them!

/= maybe 1-2k


4:14am Feb 2 2017

Normal User

Posts: 404
Cool thank you c: its a start

Dating Darkgrimm since Jan21/16 | Engaged to DarkGrimm since June 4th/23

12:07pm Feb 8 2017 (last edited on 12:07pm Feb 8 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 404
; w ; I have more names I could part with- but dunno a price 

DennisMitchell (Dennis the menace ; w ; )
EdithButterwell (dennis the menace)
DennisTheMenace (dennis the menace)
MrsMarthaWilson (dennis the menace)
MrsWilson (dennis the menace)
MrWilson (dennis the menace)
GuntherBeckman (dennis the menace)

Dating Darkgrimm since Jan21/16 | Engaged to DarkGrimm since June 4th/23

4:30am Feb 9 2017 (last edited on 4:41am Feb 9 2017)

Normal User

Posts: 404
Have more ^-^" 

Messier83 (galaxy)
StarburstGalaxy (galaxy)
BlackeyeGalaxy (galaxy) 
PinwheelGalaxy (galaxy)
TriangulumGalaxy (galaxy)
PinwheelGalaxy (galaxy)

Dating Darkgrimm since Jan21/16 | Engaged to DarkGrimm since June 4th/23
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