Old Shop Access When Changing Classes?

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5:24pm Jul 7 2016

Normal User

Posts: 43
     So I was just thinking today that I might make more profit on selling items as a Merchant than selling Creatu as a Rancher. But I don't really want to lose my 3 hatches a day, and going to just one would be a bit of a change. But another major question I had was, do you get access to your old shop when you change classes? I have a Rancher Shop now, so, say, if I became a merchant, would I still be able to sell and collect the tu from sold Creatu as if I were still a Rancher? Or would I just lose all access to the shop until I switched back to being a rancher? Is it the same for the merchant shop I would have? Thank you guys so much! ~Star


4:58am Jul 8 2016


Posts: 3,217
When you change classes your old shop will still be open, which means that users can still buy from your store but you wont be able to edit the stock or withdraw money from your till ;o; 

What I try to do is stock up my merchant shop with alot of stock and then switch back to rancher, I try to keep an eye on my merchant shop to try and keep track of how much has been sold from there and once I think I have enough in my merchants till to make a profit then I'll switch classes, take all the money out of my merchant till, re-stock my merchant shop and change back to rancher 


2:58pm Jul 8 2016

Normal User

Posts: 43
     Oh, okay, that makes sense! Thanks!

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