Res slang yo :D

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9:38am Apr 2 2013 (last edited on 8:19am Oct 31 2016)


Posts: 3,216
Im Zen (obviously ^o^)
and im a helper/ assistant here at Rescreatu.

If your a new user I would just like to say welcome :D 
I hope your enjoying your time here
and if you have any questions dont be afraid to ask. 

While you explore and chat you may notice a few odd words and abbreviations,
these can be a bit confusing and some what daunting while getting settled in.

Below im going to list some of the most use abbreviations and Rescreatu terminology 
I hope it helps avoid confusion ^o^ 

Term - Meaning 

SB- Shout Box (-The chat box where users can chat to each other)

100k- (100 is just an example number.) K at the end of a number means thousand. So 100k= 100,000

1Mil- (1 is just an example number.) Mil= million. So 1mil= 1,000,000

Pure- an offer on a pet/ item that is all TU (no pets/items in the offer)

Bump- ( To post Bump on a thread) When some one posts on a thread that thread is then placed on top of the thread list in its category, when a user posts bump they moving the thread up to the top, either so more people will see it and there for (hopefully) get more customers/ notice or keep the thread going.

Mod- Moderator ( a staff position on rescreatu)
CM-content manager (a staff position on rescreatu)

SR- Showroom ( a place to store pets.)

HA- Human avatar. ( your human representation/ character ) 

ToT- Trick or treat ( A Halloween event/ activity)

CS- Credit shop/ Cash shop. (- where you can buy special items with real money)

CS Egg/ CS creatu- a pet/ egg that can only be brought from the CS or from other users.

NCJB- Natural coloured jelly bean - a CS item used to change a pets colour to any other hatchable colour. (Does not work on CS pets or Uldavi pets)

NNCJB- Not Natural Coloured jelly beans- April fools item (2014) turns pets natural for one day.

Bean- NCJB (or calico bean)

RMP- Random Morphing Potion - a CS item used to morph a pet in to another random species ( other than CS and Uldavi pets) with a chance of mutating the pet in to a Wyrae

FBC- Forged Birth Certificate ( A cs item used to change your username.)  

OAK- One of a kind ( a CS effect that will only be applied to one creatu. The effect will be custom made for you and you get to work closely with rescreatu artists to achieve the look and design you want.)

DK- Dye kit ( used to dye the select pet the dye kit colour)

G&S- Gold and silver ( a dye kit colour )

RDK- Random dye kit ( a special dye kit that will change your pet a random dye kit colour)

Res Potion- Resurrection potion ( Used to bring a dead pet back to liife.)

POD- Potion of death- instantly kills a pet

R-Ray- Regression Ray ( an old item that can be used to change a pets age to baby, teen or adult) 

Zap- a Zap from a R-Ray can change a pets age to baby, teen or adult

RWN- Real word name ( An example of a RWN would be Ring, Laptop, Dog, Jetpack etc. A pet named after something in real life)

RN- Real name ( a creatu with the name that can be a name in real life. An example of a RN would be Lucy, Jake, Beth etc.) 

oTL/ oTz- kneeling. an emotion often used in the SB.  

/shot- an ex
pression commonly used in the SB.
 usually used when some one says something silly, potentially inappropriate or feel that others will disapprove.
example-  *still pending*  

Nattie streak- a sting of hatching nothing but natural coloured pets 

"Walking a pet"- during events pets can sometime get effects from Random events or through special means. If a user "walks a pet" they take another users pet and have it selected, then move around the site or take the pet through the special events until it gets an effect.
I'll use Halloween as an example: On Halloween pets can get the undead effect from Random events or trick or treating so the Walker will have the pet selected as they move about the site and trick or treat until the pets gets the effect 

PAB - Publish a Book (a contest where you can submit your rescreatu related story and have it turned into an official onsite book!)

Commonly used abbreviated creatu names and colours.

Habbi or Habe- Haberisar
Zen/Zennie- Zenirix
Mira- Mirabilis
Vala- valabex
Zaph- Zaphao 
Ebbie- Ebilia
Rodi- Roditore
Lev- Leverene
Tessie/Tes- Tesuri 

Sometimes a creatu will be referred to as a real life creatu that they resemble 
for exarmple: 
Skaldyr= Shrimp 

Acid noodle- Wyrae 
Space pancake- Galta 

Bino- Albino 
Achro- Achromatic 
Nattie- Natural 

Muttie- mutant


2:15pm Apr 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 429
Zen, you are so awesome for posting this. :D

The only other thing I can think to mention is OAK. 

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast

2:53pm Apr 2 2013


Posts: 3,216
^o^ thank you 
and added 


9:07pm Apr 2 2013 (last edited on 9:08pm Apr 2 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 4,749
This is cool.
Though, you forgot nattie c:

Hi there

5:20am Apr 3 2013


Posts: 3,216
thank you and added :)


3:48pm Apr 10 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,189
Good idea zen :3
I would also suggest adding common phrases used on the sb, like that users use to communicate (otl, -shot-, YwY etc,...) 


7:18am May 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 663
You should also add bean!

Like you know, when a user asks "Should I bean this creatu?"


4:17pm May 3 2013


Posts: 3,216

both added, didn't want to over run it with emoticon thinggys but the kneeling one is asked about alot :)


7:05pm May 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274

Ahh not sure if this is like worth anything but alot of people use orz.

hat's like another kneeling position, or atleast I'm pretty sure it is.


9:15pm May 18 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,679
I think "pure" would be a good one to define - I see new users confused about that pretty often.

Click for Graphic Commissions

6:26am May 19 2013


Posts: 3,216
Both added :D 
Thank you 


8:56am Jun 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 735
Cali for calico under colours.

Knightly Lord of Paor.
33 unique bois

6:08pm Jun 5 2013


Posts: 3,216
oo never heard of Cali being used befor 
added and thanks 


12:04am Jun 6 2013

Normal User

Posts: 429
This isn't necessarily Res-specific, but pixiepie4001 was wondering what "bump" meant, so that might be a good term to add! :)

This thread is so awesome. I'm glad it's doing well.

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast

4:56am Jun 6 2013


Posts: 3,216
Thank you and added 


2:09pm Jul 2 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
Maybe Tes, or Tessie for tesuri?


3:33pm Jul 2 2013


Posts: 3,216
Thank you and added,
Never seen people use Tessie before xD 
thats pretty cute 


2:41pm Jul 13 2013

Normal User

Posts: 67
thanks for posting this :D



3:06pm Sep 7 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
I didn't see this but /shot? Some people don't


6:24am Apr 3 2014


Posts: 3,216
thank you and added :D

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