Unofficial Guide To The Shrines

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10:57pm Aug 9 2020 (last edited on 7:03pm Oct 23 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 68
Howdy! This is an Unofficial Guide To The Shrines :D
If you see anything that is wrong or needs to be updated, please comment so I can get it changed, thanks :)
This first post tells you how to use the shrines. The second outlines the new shrine creatu and how to get them. The third is point values for shrines (which is not done yet, but will be soon).  

Links to the update pages about the Shrine: Aura Candle Update:
Shrine and Elemental Creatu Update:
Added elemental creatu update:
~Shrining ~

Step 1:
Make sure you have a creatu selected, if you don't have one, you won't be able to bless any creatu

Step 2:
Check which planet you are a resident of. You can see this on your profile under the account section.

Step 3:
Once you know which Planet you're a resident on, you can go to your planet's shrine. Here are the locations:

If you want to visit another planet, refer to the Aura Candle Part. 
Step 4:
Once at the shrine, there will be an item in the middle ( a skull for Relcore, the fire for Reiflem, the gem pedestal on Scria, and the top Fountain on Atquati) that when clicked, will give you options for offerings to the shrines.

Step 5:
Give enough items/creatu/eggs to fill the bar. Once it gets to the halfway point, you have a chance to get a blessing, and continuously do as you give to the shrine. You usually need between 5-10 thousand points to get a blessing. 
(The blue part of the bar is a rough estimate of where you can potentially get a blessing)

Step 6:
Once you get enough points, you get the option to bless a creatu, giving it the elemental effect. The creatu that can get the elemental effect are outlined in the update above as 'Shrine And Creatu elemental', as well as the Iluvu, Vaspi, and Easero. You can only bless creatu specific to that planet.
If you leave the page, the blessing will not disappear. It will only go away once you use it, and the bar will go back down. 

  • -Make sure to refresh after each blessing. If you don't, the name will still be an option to bless when it already has the effect. 
  • -You can bless creatu of all ages.
  • -You can obtain items from the shrine while giving items. These include books and HA items, like glowing eyes or blessed amulets. These items don't lower your progress.

Aura Candles
If you wish to change planets temporarily, you can use an Aura Candle. At the time of writing this, Aura Candles can be obtained through the explore function (Although the explore function itself is still new so aura candles haven't actually been found yet). Aura Candles last 24 hours. If you are shrining, and your aura candle runs out, your shrine progress will stay the same. 
If you want to change planets permanently, then you can buy a residence permit in the CP shop. 
(There is also planet mirrors which, at this time, are not available).


10:57pm Aug 9 2020 (last edited on 11:54pm Aug 9 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 68
Shrine Creatu

Links to the updates about the new Shrine Creatu:

Feiron Update:

Cetari Update:

How to get the shrine creatu:

Step 1:

first, decide which creatu you want to get and switch to its planet (Feiron-Reiflem, Cetari-Scria, eel creatu-Atquati, Viarindi-Relcore).

Step 2:

Get 3 blessed creatu (creatu w/ the elemental effect) from that planets shrine.

Step 3:

Go to quests, and select your planets loyalty quest (at the time of writing this, only two are out, Scria and Reiflem).

Step 4:

Turn in 3 blessed creatu to get an egg :)


10:58pm Aug 9 2020 (last edited on 4:50pm Aug 10 2020)

Normal User

Posts: 68
Note: There is currently a much more detailed list of items and points being made, this post will be a quick list of general point tips, and once the actual list is made, I will include a link to it :) 

Shrine Item Point Tips
Planet specific
Scria: Sweets
Relcore: meats and healthy foods
Reiflem: Ice cream shop
Atquati: drinks

Beanies that come from the egg beanie containers from the Fashion Galore can give 250-500 points. 
Also the blueberry berrok gummy gives 250 points
Staff apples are the best option for shrines. Most staff apples give 50-100, and a few will sometimes give 250. Apples will change point value, so it's best to give 250 point apples to the shrine sooner rather than later, because the value may decrease.
I'd recommend looking at Kinas Apple Guide to see which tree branches give the most staff apples. 

Event Items 
Items from past events like the key set from a Halloween Event or the unidentified bones from the release of the Diviun during Resmas can give between 250-500 points. If you're an older user, I'd recommend going through your inventory or gallery to see if you have any items you don't need from past events. 

Marbles can give 250-500 points

Quest items:
Items from the npc quests, like the beanbags or the egg Squishies, can give 250-500 points. 

Note: Tu tokens do not give you a lot of points. It's a better idea to use and then buy cheap items for the shrine. 

Creatu list
(disclaimer: this was copied from the unofficial res discord and posted by Pachico)

**Reiflem: Otachie (+85) Meiko (+172) Aukira (+187) Roditore (+196) Veram (+197) Ardur (+199) Kurrabi (+332) Iluvu (+332) Ebilia (+332)**

**Scria: Drindian (+85)  Valabex (+184)  Kayoki (+187), Meragon (+194), Zaphao (+196) Mirabilis (+199)  Intes (+199) Uilius (+332)**

**Atquati: Ahea (+114) Sirleon (+172) Draque (+178) Murren (+193) Goiba (+193) Skaldyr (+196) Tesuri (+199)** 

**Relcore: Berrok (+114) Gondra (+114) Zenirix (+143) Chimby (+172) Vogar (+197) Leverene (+199) Malal (+199) Paor (+199)** 

PS: All seasonals gives 332 


7:38pm Sep 24 2020

Normal User

Posts: 936
Mutant Berrok is 309 Rep and Cream Gondra is 146 rep for Relcore!


1:21pm Dec 3 2020 (last edited on 4:29am Apr 18 2021)

Normal User

Posts: 436
I have some additional tips for shrining items ^^

Scria - potion shop (she likes bandages, soaps)
Relcore - armor shop/butchery
Reiflem - baked goods/ice creams
Atquati - Squishy shop/beverage store/the shop where are the staplers, buckets with paint


10:29pm Apr 17 2021 (last edited on 3:16pm Feb 28 2023)

Normal User

Posts: 205
Just some more tips!
Point value based off rarity for the items related to your planet's shrine (e.g. healthy foods for Relcore)
Common - 80
Uncommon - 100
Rare - 125
Very Rare - 150

A strategy I recommend is buying cheap common items in bulk as it costs less money but can potentially give you more points than buying and offering uncommon/rare items

Beanie Hats give you 250-300 points.
-Again, I recommend buying the cheaper beanie bag containers in bulk since they only cost a couple thousand tu compared to the more expensive containers which can cost 50,000+ tu.
-Imo it's not worth buying the more expensive beanie containers as they only give about 50 points more per hat

Berrok Gummies (lime, cherry, blueberry) give you 100 points
Coconut, lemon, and raspberry only give 50 points

NPC Shop Items for each Shrine
Relcore - Butchery, Healthy foods, Armor Shop, Toy, Clothes
Scria - Sweets, Potion Shop, Freaky Toy
Reiflem - Ice Cream, Baked Goods, Antonio’s Pizza, Cooking Supplies, Candles
Atquati - Beverages, Craft Shop, Squishies

Apples from the Apple Tree that give you high points:
If an apple is not listed here, it probably won't give you high points (less than 100 points)
100 points
-Alien Staff
-Cless Staff
-Dan Staff
-Double Winged Apple of Doom
-Rumor Staff

250 points
-Moss Staff
-Smashed Apple

Here is another list of apples and their values (taken from Discord):
+25 Rep apples: Apple of doom / chocolate dipped apple / Expr-apple / Ice apple / Kirsti staff apple / Lauz apple / o_O apple / Pixie apple / Tiny green / pink apple / vampire apple / wolfspirit25 staff apple.

+30 Rep apples: Acid apple / Apple core / Bitter apple / Green-red-yellow apple/ Juicy green-red-yellow apple / Old apple / Poisonous apple / Sour apple / speckled apple/ Toffee apple / wormy apple.

+50 Rep apples: Ahcromatic apple / apple of love / Billybob apple / Calico apple / Crowflux staff apple / Drool apple / Fizzeh staff apple / Green furry apple / Kiraraneko staff apple / mutating green apple / Pie apple / stone apple / teeny tiny apple/ Titanium staff apple/ Unknown apple / yellow furry apple / Xeeroh staff apple.

+100 Rep apples: Alien staff apple / Bears Apple / Cless staff apple / Dan Staff apple / deedlitmon staff apple / Dess staff apple / Easter apple / Gunmetal staff apple / Katieee staff apple / Kina staff apple / Llama staff apple / Loki staff apple / LuvBunny apple / Peridot staff apple / Phos staff apple / Poison apple / Ricki apple / Sin staff apple / Sugar staff apple/ Taka staff apple / tricolored apple.

+250 Rep apples: +250 Christmas apple /  Lumpy apple / outsane staff apple / Smashed apple / Ohso apple.

5:42am Mar 16 2023

Normal User

Posts: 193
What is the percentage of getting blessed eyes?

12:16am Oct 7 2024 (last edited on 12:21am Oct 7 2024)

Normal User

Posts: 33
I sacrificed all of the apple tree apples to see how many points each would give, and I thought it would be useful information to share, so below are the results:

300 points
Avedori staff apple

250 points
Feather Staff Apple
Juke Staff Apple
Kirby Staff Apple
Lilith Staff Apple 2
Raine Staff Apple
Vampire Staff Apple

100 Points
Alien Staff Apple             Luvbunny Staff Apple
Altair Staff Apple            Matt Staff Apple 
Bears Staff Apple             Moss Staff Apple
Dan Staff Apple               NekoDragon Staff Apple
Deedlitmon Staff Apple        NeonSparks Staff Apple
Dess Staff Apple              Outsane Staff Apple
Double Winged Apple of Doom   Owl Staff Apple
Franco Staff Apple            Peridot Staff Apple
Geonightrose Staff Apple      Poison Apple
Gozaimasu Staff Apple         Shark Staff Apple
Gunmetal Staff Apple          Sin Staff Apple
Honeybee Staff Apple          Snow Staff Apple
Jess Staff Apple              Steampunk Staff Apple
Kittykat Staff Apple          Taka Staff Apple
Lilith Staff Apple            Unicorn Staff Apple
Llama Staff Apple             Wolf Staff Apple
Loki Staff Apple              
Lumpy Apple

50 points
Achromatic Apple        Phos Staff Apple
Calico Apple            Pie Apple
Cless Staff Apple       Pumpkin Apple
Crowflux Staff Apple    Ricky Staff Apple
Drool Apple             Sugar Staff Apple
Easter Apple            Stone Apple
Fizzeh Staff Apple      Titanium Staff Apple
Green Furry Apple       Xeeroh Staff Apple
KiRAWRa Staff Apple     Yellow Furry Apple
Oz Staff Apple
Phos Staff Apple
Pie Apple

30 points
Acid Apple
Apple Core
Bitter Apple
Khione Staff Apple
Old Apple
Poisonous Apple
Speckled Apple
Tea Staff Apple

25 points
Apple of Doom
Ice Apple
Kirsti Staff Apple
Luaz Staff Apple
Mutating Green Apple
o_O Staff Apple
Pixie Apple 
Wolfspirit25 Staff Apple

If I missed any or if they change shoot me an Rmail and I can update!

7:17pm Jan 11 2025

Normal User

Posts: 4
So useful!!

-𝑀𝑦𝑢 𝒙 𝐴𝑑𝑒𝑙𝑖𝑛𝑎 ♥︎
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