Items for quests will be found in the NPC shops, unless they just don't have it in stock at the moment. If you know the name of a particular item you're looking for, go over to the right hand side of the menu bar, go to information, and click 'Item Database' at the bottom of the drop down menu. Type in the name of the item you are trying to find, and it will tell you the store where it should be stocked.
If it says 'Currently Not Stocked' then go to shops and click 'Merchant Shop.' Go to 'Best Shops towards the right, and browse through those to see if you can find what you're looking for. Prices are more reasonable in some places than in others, so be sure to look at all of the price options before you decide on a purchase.
Sometimes you can find a good deal in the Trash Isthmus in Relcore. Go to 'Explore' and Relcore is the first option. Once you're there, scroll down a little bit, and the Trash Isthmus is on the right hand side. It basically looks like a dark gray city. The items there are arranged alphabetically, and you can take one item per day from there, free of charge.
I hope this helps! ~Star