A small handful of questions, and nowhere else to go

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4:09pm Nov 22 2010 (last edited on 4:13pm Nov 22 2010)

Normal User

Posts: 20

So, this one is a newthing, and this newthing has very few aspirations on this site. I have pretty much, at this point (the under 24-hours-of-playtime mark) decided that I just want to collect pretty birdies (Mirabilis).

 Apparently, as I have chosen the cl@ss of "Rancher", I can hold up to 25 little pets in my profile or whatever, or so I read somewhere. That seems like not a lot of birdies if I want to make a Wonderful flock. Is there somewhere I can put all of my Remarkables if I do not want to sell them? I have checked around the site, and I cannot say that I've found much in the way of helpful information in this regard.

 However, I probably will eventually end up selling other things, and I'm not too clear on how the whole selling process goes. I kind of sort of get it, but I concise explanation of how that would go about, so that I don't go internet-broke on this site, would be greatly appreciated.

 Also, I totally already hatched an Albino Mirabilis, and that makes me kinda happy, it does. Yes. :3

So, where can I put my beautiful Amazing flock for my own entertainment purposes?


4:46pm Nov 22 2010

Normal User

Posts: 572

Your 'Showroom' is to stock your other pets. :) Just navigate to show room on the blue naviagation bar. Then you are going to need to upgrade your showroom so you can hold pets in thar. :D

Also... The 'Help' page on the navigation bar will also answer most any other questions. <3


Have fun!

-and a new day will dawn, for those who stand long, and the forest will echo with laughter-
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