Back after some time away

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8:50am May 22 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3
Hello. XD Call me Paradise. I joined Res some time ago, but forgot about it until now. I've had moments where I'd log in, then forget again. *shame* But I'm going to try to be more active now. XD I'm a 24 year old female, I love anime, manga, reading, role playing, art, animals, birds, video games, and a bunch of other things. I am hoping to make some friends here, as it gets a bit lonely if you don't have any Respals. XD

So, its nice to meet you all again, and hopefully I can be more active now. Without forgetting. XD

1:41pm May 22 2013


Posts: 3,217
Welcome back to Rescreatu! 

I hope that you settle in well, alot has changed here ^o^ 

If you have any questions dont be afraid to ask 



4:02pm May 22 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3
I'm sure it has. All my Respets are in the Graveyard, sadly, but I will have a new one soon. (That I'll take care of, since I'll be around this time) *winces* Thank you for the welcome!

12:36pm May 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 215
Welcome back to Res :D Paradise. We're on the same boat i haven't been on in quite a while as well.
I hope you can enjoy your time here. :D
I hope you don't mind if i add you as a friend.


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1:25pm May 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3
Not at all. I'd love to have people to chat with. XD

3:53pm May 23 2013

Normal User

Posts: 429
Hi Paradise, welcome back! :D

I'm here as well if you need any help or have any questions. I know it can be confusing to come back to a website after a while and see a bunch of changes.

If you weren't aware, you can bring your pets back to life by purchasing Resurrection Potions in other users' merchant shops OR by doing the Resurrection Quest, located here:

I'll see you around I'm sure! :)

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast

10:59am May 26 2013

Normal User

Posts: 573
hello! i'm charlie!

i love anime o-o feel free to rmail me and we can fangirl cx i love gosick, GDW, deathnote, lovely complex...a variety xD

hehe, welcome back love!

aye look char\'s selling shiz. [LINK]

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