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7:16pm Jun 14 2014

Normal User

Posts: 1
I'd be Xyth. They/them pronouns.

I'm an aspiring entomologist, though I'm kind of limited to our backyard for now.
Otherwise I spend most of my time reading or game mastering.

Messages and whatnot are always welcome. 
I like talking to people, though it may take me a couple days to respond.

Uhm, as far as other pet sites go I play goatlings, but that's about it.

2:11am Jun 15 2014


Posts: 3,216

Welcome to rescreatu :D

I hope you have fun here~

If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask, everyone here (including me) would be more than happy to help.

Also, if you haven't already, I suggest that you read the rules.

They can be found under your logout button ( when not in the fourms)

Entomology sounds amazing :o

"creepy crawlys" are so interesting ( some do creep me out a bit though ^^"")




9:36pm Jun 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 102
Looked at goatlings too. Welcome!
I'm very new as well.
Entomologist huh? 
You must really like insects.
I'm sure it'll take some time but good luck~

I love Shaefu.

2:10am Jun 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 429
Hi Xyth, belated welcome! I hope you've been enjoying yourself so far! :)

Fun fact: I wanted to be an entomologist when I first started college. I majored in bio for a couple of years until I realized I belong on the internetz. o.o

Aaanyway, please feel free to reach out if you need anything!

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast
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