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11:40am May 10 2013 (last edited on 11:54am May 10 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1
Greetings, inhabitants of Rescreatu ~

I'm Morphin, but you can also call me Maeva. I'm a 21 years old freelance writer, avid RPer, self-taught artist and animal lover from Canada and I fell in love with this website when I saw that not only the pets were absolutely adorable but that they also grew up! I've been incubating eggs since I joined and trying my best to not go look in the species page because I don't want to spoil the surprise of what will come out ~

I think I'm in love with the Drindian though, because how much cuter can a dragon be? I'm thinking of hoarding all of the colours and then I'll feel like Daenerys and it'll be fantastic. Anyway. I hope I'll make some friends and get the hang of the game quick enough, I went through the rules and followed the little tutorial thingie about making my character and hatching (so many eeeeeggs) and now I'm here. Sooo...

Hi!  (,, ・∀・)ノ゛


1:11pm May 10 2013 (last edited on 1:11pm May 10 2013)


Posts: 3,217
Hello Maeva and welcome to Rescreatu! 

:D oh wow, sounds like you have alot of amazing skills and interested! 

;0; argh the pets are all so adorable here, I fist joined Rescreatu because of the pets amazing designs, but on top of that I discovered an amazing user base and lots lots more that's kept me hooked for years.

I hope you enjoy exploring the site and having a browse around the forums, there's every thing from role playing to fan clubs for a whole range of different things.

I also suggest reading the rules in the rules below, if you haven't already :) 

Id hate to see you get in to trouble ^o^
for future reference they can be found under your log out button on the left side of the page ( when not in forums)

If you have any questions dont be afraid to ask 
more than happy to help you out!


6:15am May 11 2013

Normal User

Posts: 429
Hi Morph. Welcome to Rescreatu! :D

I'm here to help as well, if you need me! I hope you're enjoying yourself so far, and I'll see you around.

(Game of Thrones is the best thing on this entire planet btw. <3)

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast
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