Hello! (˵ •̀ ᴗ •́ ˵ )

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5:01am Mar 8 2024

Normal User

Posts: 1
Hello to anyone who clicks on my humble thread! My name is Victor, but feel free to call me Gamble. I registered the other day, though I guess I'm technically not super new to Rescreatu. I remember being here years ago, I wanna say more than a decade ago? By now though I've forgotten or lost anything related to that old account, so I hope it's no issue that I've signed up with a new one. I got nostalgic for the good ol' days of being on virtual pet sites, and I remember this place having one of my most favorite pet site concepts (and pets).

I know activity here is a bit on the minimal side nowadays, but I'm hoping to still be able to enjoy exploring the site and maybe get to interact with everyone once in awhile on the forums or shoutbox.

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