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3:24am Sep 21 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2
I'm not entirely sure what to put in these things... Well other than the fact that I am new of course! Feel free to ask questions! I'm really not that shy!

5:16am Sep 21 2014


Posts: 3,217
'ello Couga and welcome to Res :D 
If you have any questions just ask away!

/randomly spews questions :D/
(aha feel free to completly ignore them)

What's you favourite animal?
what kind of music do you like?
What do you like to do in your free time?
if a Wood Chuck could chuck wood, how much wood would it chuck?

Also, if you havent already please read the rules, they can be found in this link 
tle="" target="">ja

and below your logout button 


10:41am Sep 21 2014 (last edited on 10:42am Sep 21 2014)

Normal User

Posts: 2
Thanks Creepy for the warm welcome!
For your questions I shall do my best to answer them:
My favorite animal comes to a three way tie: Cougars, Wolves and Lynx. 
My music depends on my mood. Mostly I listen to classic Rock, country, Oldies, and a few indie bands.
My free time is spent gaming or reading. I play a few console games like Skyrim, Minecraft and Destiny but my passion lies with forum based RPs. I typically RP in a world created by Anne McCaffrey called Pern or Dragon Riders of Pern. 
As for the wood chucking, sadly I am not a woodchuck myself so I cannot fathom how much wood a woodchuck chucks. 
Any other questions? :D
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