Hello, I`m new.

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4:13am Sep 1 2009

Normal User

Posts: 1
Hello=3, My name is Mily, I joined this site yester...-looks at clock-...Two days ago. I found it by randomly searching for something new. So I joined this, it looked interesting and unique. Okay, so I am a total fanatic about pet sites. I have been stalking the Suggestion boards for some time, so I decided to stop and post, yo. Well this site looks really awesome, so I think I might acutually stay then stay here for three days then let it drift off into the unknown. It took me forever to write this because my dog keeps licking me in the ear. Okay, I should stop typing and actually post this, but I`m afraid it`s too short, and/or I have not given enough reason to post it. I shall put something about me...I like chicken...Okay I think that will work, don`t you think?-Counts lines-...Yeah, i think I`m done.

11:32am Sep 1 2009

Normal User

Posts: 6,216

Hi Mily and welcome to Rescreatu. ^^ I'm Pet, if you have any questions, feel free to Rmail me using the Rmail link under Community in the navigation bar.

I want a dog. T.T

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