Thank you a lot(consider swiping ' a lot' out for 'so much')!(insert 'That' and make 'R' in 'Really' lowercase) Really helps me!
I make so much(replace 'much' with 'many') sad = 3 =
Also so sorry about(insert 'the') use(insert 'of') japanese(capitalize 'j' in 'japanese' and 'c' in 'chinese) or chinese(insert 'letters') in replys(change 'replys(not a word) to replies). I(make 'I' 'It)' feel(make this 'feels') easier
for me write English if(insert 'I') first write in(insert 'a') language i(capitalize 'i') know good(replace 'good' with 'well'), then
translate(insert 'it') after( change 'after' to 'afterward') . ^ ^
Everybody is so nice! :3 I am so 恍惚とした!( do you mean 'happy'?) (Sorry do not know the English for this phrase)
again, just trying to help!