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2:14pm Jan 19 2013

Normal User

Posts: 65
New question! I was exploring the ice caves with my new narwi and she found the light. There was a message saying it was affecting her, and it showed her picture, but it didn't tell me how it was affecting her. What happened?

10:34pm Jan 19 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1

Hi I just made my account today and it is so fun!

11:19pm Jan 19 2013 (last edited on 3:37pm Jan 25 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 211
EarmuffsMoo: Your pet only got the Frost Light effect. If your pet is an adult, the image will show you. It's basically a certain art effect due to a special event, which in this cast the Ice Tunnel event and Frost Light effect. You can see how the effect looks like and which pet can get the effect in the update that is about it.


11:33pm Jan 19 2013

Normal User

Posts: 65
Ah, read the update and found some useful information. Guess I won't see any difference until she grows up.

6:59am Jan 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 635
Thanks Tiffany for answering that one :)
All Effects are only visible in the adult version Earmuffs. 

On a major quest for Omnis. Kthnx

8:08am Jan 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 65
One more. Are you able to tell me what a Reiflem Sword does? Or any weapon for that matter?

12:22pm Jan 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 635
Updated :) 
Thank you for all of your wonderful questions!

On a major quest for Omnis. Kthnx

2:17pm Jan 25 2013

Normal User

Posts: 65
The link you posted doesn't seem to take me anywhere. Also, is there a chance I might lose the sword if I swim in the springs for example (it says on the page they might take something from you and give it to someone else) and if so is there somewhere I can put it for safekeeping until it's useful again?

Thank you for being incredibly helpful by the way. :)

4:12pm Jan 27 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1
I ish new, hey everyone! I have no questions currently, but I may soon XD Hope to see all of you around!

6:26pm Jan 27 2013


Posts: 3,215
You may loose some TU from swimming in the springs but no items will be taken from you. 
To keep your Tu safe while going to the springs you can always put it in your bank.


4:18pm Mar 6 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1
Hi Im new :) The way this game is set out is interesting. Im not sure about a few things though, are you able to train your pets at all? And why do so many of the links lead to nowhere or simply reload the page?

9:22pm Mar 14 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2
hi! i'm new and i have a question, it seems that the rare creatu can only be bought, is that true?
Thank you!

1:24pm Mar 18 2013 (last edited on 1:24pm Mar 18 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
Heileen: Currently the battle system is being recoded, and that means you can't train you pets.
I'm pretty sure it will come soon, though! Most likely the reason links reload the page or don't work is because they haven't been fixed since V3, or are being recoded, such as the Parties button. ^^

Nerdz4Ever: By only bought, do you mean with real money? In that case, Cash Shop Pet eggs can only be bought from the Cash Shop with Cash Points, which you need to get with real money. But if you are looking to buy CS pets that have already been hatched, many people sell them, but they can get pretty expensive, so you might have to save you tu. ^^


11:49am Mar 30 2013

Normal User

Posts: 635
Thank you guys for helping answer the questions while i was away :) 
^^ They are wonderful

On a major quest for Omnis. Kthnx

2:23pm Apr 7 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4
-posts- :)

8:01pm Jul 3 2013 (last edited on 8:02pm Jul 3 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 2
where do you find the ice caves, battle and age your pets?

8:25pm Jul 3 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,274
Don't want to sound like a mod, but this thread is rather old. ;o;
The ice tunnel (cave) can be found here, but is currently not open.

It was open for an event around Christmas.

The Battle system is currently being recoded.
Until it's open, you can't battle your pets.
You can't age your pets yourself, unless you get them zapped with a Regression Ray, more commonly called an Rray.

They are quite expensive, so you will usually pay someone who has one a small fee. You can age them to baby (age 1 or 0, I can't be sure), teen (15), or adult (30). If you don't want to zap them, they will age by one each day.


9:32am Jul 4 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2
Thanks Florance!
that will help me alot!

12:40pm Jul 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2
i just got an account a few days ago wishies any tips

12:17pm Jul 6 2013


Posts: 3,215
Hello purple :D 
 and welcome to the wonderful world of rescreatu! 

The first thing I would suggest is make sure you read the rules ^o^

They can be found in the link below

a few other suggestions I have are to play the stocks 
found under Games> skill
it takes some time but its a great way the earn TU 

there are lots of great stock guides in the forums ( mainly under Rescreatu discussion) 

I also suggest that you visit the springs every day if you can, you can get colour changes if you visit enough that you can sell, or use to change your pets colour :D 

Looking at the creatu species page can help a great deal when you are after a certain species or want to view all species, effects, their colours and where they can be found
it can be found under 
Information>creatu species

If you are having trouble pricing a pet then check other user shops :D 
Its also helpful to check merchant shops if you are having trouble finding an item
the item database ( found under Information>item database) may also help

These are just a few tips, 
if you have any questions dont be afraid to ask!

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