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8:54pm Feb 8 2013 (last edited on 9:01pm Feb 8 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 3
Hello fellow players, I'm just addressed as Killas or Kill, I've been playing this for a couple days now and noticed the forum and thought, "Hey, why not?" I am a virtual pet pla[injection]yer, play a lot of other games like Rescreatu but honestly nothing as clean and well organized as this one. I am really liking this game and intend of playing more, hopefully catch some friends along the way. But as the introduction I'd just like to say, I am in highschool, homeschool, read and write tons, addicted to blogs and play videogames more than I probably should. A big fan of lots of PS games and Xbox, still a lover for old nintendo 64 and Psp. I really like dragons and draw as well. 

9:30pm Feb 8 2013 (last edited on 9:33pm Feb 8 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 429
Hey, Kill! Welcome to Rescreatu. :)

If you need any help or have questions, there are specific people on the site called "Helpers" who are here for that very reason! Our names are hot pink in the shoutbox and our forum posts will also have a hot pink "Helper" ti.tle. Of course, if no helpers are available, everyone on this site is eager and willing to help. <3

I'm glad to hear that you're enjoying yourself so far! Please take a look at the rules if you haven't already: ja[injection]vasc[injection]ript:nicTemp();

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast

5:51am Feb 9 2013


Posts: 3,205
:D hello Killas 
ans welcome to Res' 

I have to say iv'e played at lot of virtual pet games but this is the only one iv'e really stuck with,
I hope you stick around  too :D 

dragons are awesome :D 


7:51pm Feb 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 3
Thanks guys! I will be sure to contact any helper I see if I get confused or anything, so far I am getting the hang of it and really loving it. :D  Already collecting squishies and setting up shops. Nice to meet you Gravy and Zen, I feel welcomed. :>

So far this virtual pet game is the best I've played, the varieties and deions of them are so neat, hopefully I'll see you guys around, the community is so nice here I wouldn't doubt it. :'D

Thanks, I think dragons are epic little creatures. c:

9:31pm Feb 9 2013

Normal User

Posts: 106
Hello! welcome to Res Kill!


8:04am Feb 19 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
I'm glad you like it here! Welcome!

8:04am Feb 19 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
I'm glad you like it here! Welcome!
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