I don't know why I am writing this at 4:14 am, maybe because I am not tired well anyways I am just gonna list things about me.
1. I am 22 turning 23 on March 12th.
2. I am married and have a 3 month old son.
3. I play on xbox 360 when no on here (BDWJx2012) add me if you want.
4. I have a pet rat named Missy and a pit mix named Goonie.
5. My favorite color is blue (obviously).
6. I like reading Manga and watching anime.
7. I like all kinds of music except for Rap, Reggae, ect.
8. I wish that it would snow here in Florida so that it isn't so hot.
9. My best friends are on xbox 360, Facebook, I am also looking for some more so just ask.
10. I like staying up all night til like 6:30am and sleeping til like noon. Which by the way tonight is not that night, definitely trying to stay awake.
Well if you want to know more just visit my facebook page.
facebook.com/sasha.wierzbinski <---(copy and past in url box thingy)