Hi, I'm a newbie! (whose behind you o.o)

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7:35am Jul 13 2011 (last edited on 8:27am Jul 13 2011)

Normal User

Posts: 1

Hello everyone, as you can see I'm new here and have gotten a bit addicted to Res. ;>.> 

I don't mean it in a bad way of course, this site practically radiates awesomeness in my eyes and continues to wake myself up at odd hours to see if it's a new day yet on Res. 

Anyway, can someone please tell me what tokens are for? Thanks. :3

NOOO IT'S JUST TOO CUTE! *_* *dies of happiness*

11:40am Jul 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 22

Hi! I'm Anthro, and I'm new here as well. I like your username~

Um, yeah. ^^;;


11:57am Jul 13 2011

Normal User

Posts: 651
Welcome to Rescreatu, both of you :D  (anthro ur font is a little hard to read o_o)!!

(Job) Tokens are for collecting :). In the past, they were useable for jobs.

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