Hi, I'm new, I have no idea how to use the site, please help.

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1:43pm Feb 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 6
Hi, I'm new here, I joined a while ago and didn't think much of the website and went away. I have just come back and hated a pet that I really like, but I have no idea how to take care of it! I noticed that when I came back all my other pets were gone. I guess that was because I didn't take care of them. I really want to take care of the pet I have now but don't know how. Any help, even the most basic would be extremely helpful. I have no idea how to use the site and any topic/forum that would tell me about the site would be greatly appreciated if you showed me the link.

Spotted xx

2:07pm Feb 5 2013


Posts: 3,216
and welcome back to Rescreatu :D
first I recommend looking through the rules in the link below 

You'll also find this FAQ page very, very helpful and it will answer most question you'll have,

A cheap and easy way to feed your pet is to take it to the Apple tree where you can get apples for free :D 
You'll find the apple tree under "Games" in the " luck" category. 
Each pet you take to the tree can pick one apple a day, so if you have more than one pet, don't forget to select a different one.

You can also buy food from NPC shops as well as merchant shops. :) 

Your pets seemed to have died, 
if you find you've lost a pet you can check the "Graveyard" by going;
"Explore"> "Reiflem"> "Otroe Circle" ( the dome near the middle of the planet, if you hover over each location on a planet its name will pop up) 
once there simply click " Grave Yard" to view your dead pets.

to revive a dead pet you will need a Resurrection potion, 
you can make one of these by doing the Resurrection quest under 
"Games"> "Quests"> "Resurrection Quest" 
simply follow the instructions and find what the lady asks for,

you can also buy them from other players, just check merchant shops :D 

This is a very helpful guide to making Tu 
written up by Imaginary 

Remember if you have any other questions don't be afraid to ask :D 
Every one on Rescreatu is very friendly and helpful 
and you can always send me an Rmail 



3:44pm Feb 5 2013 (last edited on 3:47pm Feb 5 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 6
Thanks, that helped a lot. But why do I keep seeing words with [injection] randomly in the middle?

Also, when my pet says: 80/100 hunger does that mean that it is hungry or almost full? And at what percentage do I need to feed it?

4:21pm Feb 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,189
Hey welcome to res! 
The injection is because certain words have words inside them that may be concidered inapropro, but in links that just happens randomy xD

As for hunger, it means you pet is almost full, and you need 100/100 for it to be full. You can feed your pet any food item and it will raise its health


5:25pm Feb 5 2013 (last edited on 5:26pm Feb 5 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 429
Welcome back to Rescreatu. These two have answered your questions pretty well, but I would just like to add that your pet doesn't need to be at 100/100 fullness at all times. It will only die if it is at 0 hunger for many days in a row.

Also, each user has a Food Pen, where they can store food for their pets. Items in the Food Pen will automatically be fed to your pet when its hunger reaches below 70/100. To access your Food Pen, you can click the apple icon on the top left of the page, or click here: tle="" target="">ja

You can stock your Food Pen by clicking on "Add Food" at the top of that page and selecting the "Food Pen" bubble for all of the items that you want to add. Only food items are stockable, though.

I look forward to seeing you around! :)

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast
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