Hiya darlings (:

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8:22pm Oct 4 2014

Normal User

Posts: 4
I know I've been on for awhile, just haven't gotten the chance to introduce myself yet. I'm Sami and it's lovely to meet ya'll :D Don't be a stranger and if you ever wanna new friend or just some advice I'm the girl for you! I hope to hear from any of you soon! ♫♥♫

3:56pm Oct 5 2014


Posts: 3,205
Hello :D 
agh I love your user name!

Good to see your still around ^u^ 
Though im sure you know your way around if you have any questions dont be afraid to ask, or if you just want to chat feel free to Rmai me 



9:58pm Oct 10 2014

Normal User

Posts: 57
Hi I'm Amira. you can look up the name. want to be friends!
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