Hiya I am new and I would like some freinds please!!

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6:53am Jan 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 1,324

Hi I am tinkytasha I am super new here!! I am on quite alot and don't worry I have discovered about Respals and Rmail so we could Rmail alot!! I am really looking for a girl for a freind not a boy (sorry) but I will maybe accept boys. I am quite kind just DON'T put me in a bad mood!!! I am very sporty my favourite sports is fishing, Horse riding and I love to play golf once in awhile!! I am a girl but people say I am a tom boy (it is true) so I am into sport cars and I love to watch Top Gear!!! My favourite colour is green or anything lumo but pink!! My worst colours are PINK and PURPLE!!  my favourite singer is Billy Joel!! He is an old singer (maybe the 70's or the 80's) but he has cool songs!!! So yha my favourite animals our horses, ponies, cats, dogs, fishes and birds! I am really looking for someone who is intersted in horses! So if you are intersted in horses and Ponies please be my Respal!! Ok that is all I can say about me so Bye!!! Oh P.S. I would like freinds that are intersted in same things that I am intersted in thank tinkytasha!


9:15am Jan 1 2013

Normal User

Posts: 38
Hi! Welcome to Rescreatu!


12:23am Jan 2 2013

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Posts: 1,324



8:37am Jan 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,057
hey I am lazz! I also LOVEEEEE horses, I own a 8yr old Quarter horse named george and work at a stable giving riding lessons and training :D.

welcome to res :] I shall send you a res pal request ^^ If you need any help on the site I can totally help ya out!


3:29pm Jan 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 106
if you want friends i'll be yours!


3:33pm Jan 5 2013

Normal User

Posts: 4,754
Hello, welcome to Res Tinky! My name is Meg, and I would be happy to be your Res pal! My profile has an add Respal button, so go there and click it if you would like to be my friend! Feel free to rmail me anytime, I'm happy to help.

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