Just joined today

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10:07pm Mar 5 2015

Normal User

Posts: 2
Hi, everyone. Just wanted to say a quick hello before signing off for the night.

Just joined today (as it says) and I am quickly working my way through the site via trial and error. I go by the name of Darklady and I've been joining pet sites so you might have heard of me from elsewhere. I'm an adult, currently auditing some classes in preparation to going back to school in the fall. I've already got my first year done but I was in a relationship for a few years and quit school to help him out, only to discover it was the biggest mistake of my life! So I'm back home now, looking for work for the summer, and basically looking to kill time when I don't feel like thinking about stupid things over and over again.

I live on the West Coast of Canada so we're having a great winter so far. I see the people back east snowbound and feel bad for them. It's like the earth shifted its axis and Greenland weather became east coast weather. So I'm passing out hot cocoa and choco-chip cookies to all.

I've bought a few pets, tried my luck at the games, and now am trying to catch the Iluvu eggs (is that the cutest name or what?). I put two up for sale just to get some funds started so I can buy more pets (of course!), maybe get some decent clothing for my avatar, and food for the pets I've bought that say they're almost dying. Searching for mega-awesome black clothes that suit my name.

Current wishes: more pets (of course) and the obvious one (more money) but I'm not begging, just wishing out loud.

12:16pm Mar 6 2015


Posts: 3,217
Hello and welcome to Res :D 
Many people here are on multiple pet sites, might have bumped into a few users on your travels :D 
tle="" target="">ja

^ you might find this link interesting, it's a place where you can list other sites you're on/ your username^ 

*whistles* aw gosh ;w; go you for moving forward and going back to school :'D I hope everything goes well! 

ahhh Canada.... it sounds like a beautiful place, in jealous of the snow (and the hot coco and cookies!)

Sounds like your getting into the swing of things already :D
if you have any questions don't be afraid to ask  

also, if you haven't already, have a look at the rules. They can be found in this link and below your logout button 
tle="" target="">ja

:D hope to see you around!

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