Lurking around

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3:36pm Dec 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2
Hi. I've been lurking for a few days, but I keep coming back, so I figured I'd come and introduce myself. I'm Android. New here, used to smaller sites, but this is fun so far.

So, any advice for a newb/how to use my rancher status to do well for myself?

4:09am Dec 18 2014 (last edited on 1:59am Dec 19 2014)


Posts: 3,217
Hello and welcome to Rescreatu :D 

Glad to hear you keep coming back
Many people here are on similar sites too but Rescreatu is the one everyone has stuck with over the years xD 

Fist piece of advice I can think to give:
Check out the rules, if you haven't already! 
They can be found im this link
and below your logout button.

Ranchers rely alot on luck to get by so it's hard to give much advice but here we go :D :

Use the Creatu search to check pet prices so they are fair and affordable, never be afraid to ask for hep either :D
(If you want I'll Rmail you a guide for setting up the Creatu search to make checking prices and looking for pets easier?) 

Selling your hatches are a good way to get a steady amount of TU too, hatches usually  sell for 100-150k each. 
To sell hatches:
The buyer sends you eggs and Tu, you hatch the eggs and tell them the result.
the buyer then tells you if they want to keep the pets and if so, what to name them. 
You, as the seller, then name the pets what the buyer requested and send the pet to them :D 

Pets with nice names sell for more, real word names and real names can go for millions of TU. Though you will be lucky to find a nice real word/ real name that is  free to use its worth keeping this in mind. 
Avoid naming pets things like : sdrft986
and avoid using numbers in names.

These are a few, I hope they help! 
If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask ^u^ 


7:35pm Dec 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 2
Thanks! There's definitely a lot I need to learn to get into selling pets. I gotta get started!
My naming technique is basically stringing together letters that can sort of resemble a name haha

11:15pm Dec 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 429
A solid technique! Mine is typing in Game of Thrones names and getting angry when they're all taken and giving up. ;) This is probably why I'm a Merchant...

But welcome to Res! I hope you're enjoying yourself, and I think you'll find that our active community is just the right size. We're always pretty active, but still small enough to be one close, happy family! If you need anything, don't hesitate to ask - see you around!

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast
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