lol i got bored so this is for newbies
that has no idea whatsoever is going on!
I'm Maralene,and i'm griffinwing's calico zenerix. I will be your guide today!Ch.1 Creatu hatching/care: can get more creatu by clicking explore and clicking on one of the planets.
you can get totally random eggs,but if you want a certain kind of egg,just click and click.
your hand might be tired of clicking but it will be worth it when it hatches
(not to burst your bubble,but it might not hatch...)
go to your hatchery and incubate it! wait until it's 100%
you can look at the creatu dictionary if your are curious to see what it looks like
when it hatches remember to feed it!
it's hunger should at least be 70/100!!
Hint:fill your food on the apple on top to see.
to move food there click on the food in your inventory
(next to the apple)
Ch.2 Tu: Tu is the money we use on Res for buying clothing,food,toys,ect.
You can earn Tu by playing games and doing other stuff.
Ch.3 Human Avatar: also known as your buy more clothing go to the shops!
it has a wide selection of clothes for any style!
Ch.4 Classes: you can change your class 4 times.after that,no more.
ranchers get: 3 hatches
merchants get: 1 hatch, 10% off on shops
Ch.5 Collections:
you can collect items and make a collection.
click on the flag next to the inventory.
there are over 100 collections!
Ch.6 Auctions: you can put your pets up for sale so others can bid on it!
you can choose what the starting bid is,
when it ends,
and other stuff.
Ch.7: Trades: you can also trade stuff!
this includes eggs,toys,clothing,ect....
or tu. you can purchase tokens for a safe
way to trade tu.
Ch.8: games: there are flash games,luck games,knowledge games to play while you're here!
you can also earn a bit of tu there! (also some free stuff )
Ch.9: Prefences: settings about Rmail,profile,layout,ect.
Ch.10: Rmail: like an email that you can send to a play to chat,ask them something,or if you need help
Hint Hint...go to the relcore dump and get a free item.....
Hint Hint...go to aquateen forest (i spelled it wrong i think)might get a pet to adopt,get 1 free flower...
hint hint....go to games>>luck and click on the alphabet soup game. get a free alphabet squishy....
ranchers get to go to the fishing hole (to catch food :D)
hint hint...go to games>>luck>>apple tree (get apples. 1 apple per creatu per day)
lol why am i talking about free stuff
The End
So,are you ready you to have fun in Res and meet new people? I am,so come join me!
i'm back! I hope this guide has taught you a few things about res! Thanks!