12:34am Oct 2 2016 (last edited on 12:35am Oct 2 2016)
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Posts: 789
Hello, storm! Welcome to res c: Most people usually start by finding some eggs on the planets (besides Uldavi) and hatching them so that you can start building up a collection of pets :)
The next main thing you'll want to do is start building up tu, which is the site currency. Some ways to do this are finding eggs and selling them on the egg market, playing games (primarily the Luck section) and using stocks (go to Games > Skill > Stock Market).
Stocks: Basically you want to buy stocks when the Share Value is below 50 and sell when it's above 350 (or 400 if you're prepared to wait a bit longer). However not all stocks are worth buying. ANT, ARM, BLA, BOO, CAN, FAS, HOL, SQU and TOY are examples of some that are usually pretty good. Observe the stock market over a while. Take note of which stocks go high frequently and invest in them when they go low again.
Stocks refresh every 12 hours, so at midnight (reset) and noon res time. However you can only buy/sell a total of 50,000 shares every 24 hours (this refreshes at midnight/reset). As you're a beginner you probably won't be able to afford to buy 50k shares each day but over time you'll be able to increase the amount that you put into the stock market~
Stocks are probably the easiest and most reliable way of making tu. Many of Res's users earn their fortune purely through stocks. On a good day you can earn 30mil profit or more just from stocks! :)
It can be tricky to know where to start, but you'll soon learn where everything is and be able to get a feel for the site. If you need any more help don't hesitate to ask c:
3:17pm Apr 15 2017
Normal User
Posts: 19
If I were you I would start by looking in the create species list to see which creatu you want and then go explore the planet you can find the creatu on. Then when you get the egg you were looking for go to the hatchery and hatch it
Please check out my rancher shop and possibly also my merchant shop
10:26pm May 10 2017
Normal User
Posts: 6
I've heard some things about selling egg hatches. how would one go about doing that? also, is there a way to search collections so I can find the one I want without going through each page? I've tried the search bar above them but all the collections still how
1:13am May 15 2017
Normal User
Posts: 789
Hi Shasenae, thanks for posting. To sell your hatches means that you hatch someone else's eggs for them. The other user would send you the tu (whatever price you set) and eggs, you hatch the eggs and tell them the results, then they tell you what to do with them. Hatches tend to go for 100k-150k each. Hatches are most commonly bought and sold in the shout box but you could also use the forums. I don't think you can search for a particular collection by name, but you can type in an item in the search bar and it'll show you all the collections that require that item.
Hope this helps!
9:47pm Nov 28 2017
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Posts: 21
For the enchanted springs, if you get a color change when exploring with one creatu, can you switch creatu and use the color change on a different one or is the color change limited to the creatu you went exploring with?
9:53pm Nov 28 2017
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Posts: 789
ddmf - Yes, you can choose which creatu receives the dip, just be sure NOT to leave/refresh the page or you'll lose the dip! You can open a new tab, pull out the creatu you want dipped, go back to the original tab, click through the arrows and select the one you want, then accept the dip.
It's important to know also that CS (cash shop) creatu and wyrae cannot receive springs dips, and mutants can only receive them if it's a dye colour.
Hope that helps! ^^
5:16am May 10 2019
Normal User
Posts: 9
Hello ! I would like to ask about an item I received called the 'Fawn Body'. I got it from the Charmed Planted after reaching a milestone, and I can't find it in my inventory O_O I was wondering where it might have gone, and what it did ?
Thank you so much for your time !
wwoof •w•\r\nFind me on Chicken Smoothie, if you\'re interested at all uwu) I love doin\' offsite trades (( my TU and inventory here for CS pets owo ))My username there is 8sidesoneguy ^^\r\nThank you so much for your time !\r\nI hope you all have a wonderful day/night ahead of you ! \r\n•∑• hhoot
1:51pm May 10 2019
Normal User
Posts: 789
Flame - the Fawn Body is a wearable item and, as such, you should be able to find it in your closet/wardrobe rather than your inventory :)
9:19pm May 10 2019
Normal User
Posts: 9
Thank you so much ! I found it ^^
wwoof •w•\r\nFind me on Chicken Smoothie, if you\'re interested at all uwu) I love doin\' offsite trades (( my TU and inventory here for CS pets owo ))My username there is 8sidesoneguy ^^\r\nThank you so much for your time !\r\nI hope you all have a wonderful day/night ahead of you ! \r\n•∑• hhoot
1:18pm Jun 12 2019
Normal User
Posts: 7
Hello! I received a Jade Cicada Necklace as a springtime prizey item, but haven't been able to find it in my wardrobe/closet/wearable items. And it isn't showing up in my inventory. Will I be able to wear it at some point? I've looked but haven't seen anyone else talking about it? Thank you!!
9:19pm Dec 16 2019
Normal User
Posts: 297
There seem to be a lot of new users here, so http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/market/wantads/newbie-packs-3/~page/1/
I am the queen of Zennies! Bow down to me or I will sic my army of natties on you!
9:57am Jun 10 2020
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Posts: 19
how do I change the gender of my avatar
Please check out my rancher shop and possibly also my merchant shop
2:38pm Jun 10 2020
Normal User
Posts: 323
you can send in a support ticket requesting a gender change for your avatar (:
11:14pm Sep 9 2022 (last edited on 11:14pm Sep 9 2022)
Normal User
Posts: 8
How would one dye their clothing certain colors? Would we just use fabric paint from Ty's Dyes or are there other methods? For example, trying to dye a pair of achromatic arm/leg warmers rose or amber.
10:35pm Sep 10 2022
Normal User
Posts: 193
Use rose or amber Dye Kit with Three Chambered Measuring Device + 3 Empty Dye Bottle from Black Market. I think the fabric paint is for Costume Shop's items only.
5:33am Oct 21 2022 (last edited on 6:13pm Nov 1 2022)
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Posts: 1
How can I change hairstyle and hair color?
5:29pm Nov 14 2022 (last edited on 5:31pm Nov 14 2022)
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Posts: 1
Hello! I took a necklace last game but I can't find it and use. Is anyone have an idea?
6:45am Nov 2 2023 (last edited on 4:53pm Nov 2 2023)
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Posts: 2
Edit: I figured it out and realized this thread is from like a year ago. Sorry about that.
5:58pm Nov 11 2024
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Posts: 1
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