New person! Yay! XD Tips Appreciated!

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12:00am Oct 29 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2
Hello, I'm new. Obviously. XD I'm starting off as a rancher, and I'd appreciate tips, if anyone has some. Thanks!Smiletle="Smile" />

12:42pm Oct 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,590

Welcome to rescreatu slysmartie.  Truthfully, there is no actual "tip" on how to play.   I suggest you gather eggs from one of the various planets.  Hatch the eggs, and hope you get lucky with colored pets.   If you are a rancher, create a shop and sell the pets you obtain.  Some steps are below.

1.  Before searching, go to the "Hatchery" and click the link at the top of the page that says "creatu list".  You can view the species available.  The lower the percentage, the rarer the egg is.  If a pet has a percentage of 0% rarity, it cannot be obtained by exploring planets, but can be bought from other users, or obtained through special events such as through Quests or in the Credit Shop.  In the "creatu list" you can also see the colors available for that pet, as well as what the pet looks like in all forms (egg-adult)

2.  After selecting several eggs you want, select a planet by "exploring" you will randomly stumble upon eggs from that planet, and you pick them up.  be carefule, only 100 eggs can be picked up each day.

3.  Once you find the eggs you want, return to the "hatchery" and they will be displayed.  In order to hatch, Click "incubate" and wait until the egg says "ready" underneath, meaning it is ready to hatch.  The time it takes for an egg to incubate is a different time for each species.  In the "creatu list" there is a general idea of how long it may take.

4.  When ready, click "hatch me" and see what color you can get.  On rescreatu, it is possible to hatch...

  • naturals
  • sepias
  • creams
  • blacks
  • gingers
  • silvers
  • blondes
  • albinos

Albinos being the rarest, and naturals being the most common

The rarity of the color and pet depends how much they can be sold for.



If you wish to sell the pet for higher value...

1.  Try not to add jibberish in the name...such as "aceoivbn" or something of the sort.

2.  Try not to insert numbers in the pet's name, such as "sarah32"

3.  RWN (real world names) or RN (real names) are popular with many users.  Real world names are names/words that exist in real life, such as "Tree" or "ran".  A real name are names that can be found in real life, such as "Katie" or "john"

4.  Names cannot be repeated and only one of a name can exist throughout the site.  To obtain a name you want you must find the user who owns it and ask to buy


Since you are a rancher...

1.  Follow the above "tips" and open a rancher shop.

2.  Stock the pets according to value...(to find a general value click 'Search pets" and fill in the fields such as "species" and "color")  and try to be around that Tu (Money) range.

3.  Pets do not appear in your shop if they are listed for "0 tu".  You must click "edit stock" and change the prices of pets once you stock pets into the shop.

4.  When someone buys, the tu will appear in your "till".  Click "Shop till" and if anyone buys, your tu will show up there.


This is about it.  Feel free to rmail any questions, good luck for your future on rescreatu!


Is Funneh online?:

why NO

be back tonight


10:16pm Oct 30 2010

Normal User

Posts: 2

10:42am Oct 31 2010

Normal User

Posts: 6,590
No Problem (:

Is Funneh online?:

why NO

be back tonight


12:01pm Feb 17 2013 (last edited on 12:05pm Feb 17 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 39
If you want to earn some quick money, you can also "sell hatches" for people. You'll get 100k for each hatch. Selling hatches means that someone will send you an egg, and you can hatch it for them, and then they'll pay you 100k once you've sent the pet back! It's an easy 300k per day ^_^

-Hoped that helped a little :3

12:04pm Feb 17 2013 (last edited on 12:05pm Feb 17 2013)

Normal User

Posts: 39
Oh, also, she forgot to mention "Calico" and "Achro" in the colors. Calico is the second rarest, i believe ^^ And achro is the rarest. To get an Achro, you need to look at the updates, so you can see which three pets have been selected, for the achro. Every month three different animals will be up for achro, meaning that you have a chance of hatching them in the achro color ^^ But that's really hard, like one percent or so haha.

-Another thing that can give you a bit of money, is playing the "luck games"
you can find them here [URL=]

-good luck, and please let me know if i can help you with something!

3:39pm Feb 17 2013


Posts: 3,217
Welcome to Rescreatu sly ( hope its ok to call you that ^^") 

you can find alot of answers on the FAQ page in the link below 
these are very helpful but never be afraid to ask questions ^u^ 

I also suggests reading the rules if you haven't already :) 

both of these can be found below your " LOG OUT" button if you ever need to have a look through them again 

Hope to see you around, and I hope you enjoy your self here on Res. 


8:03am Feb 19 2013

Normal User

Posts: 2,200
another way to make money is by doing doing stocks. Just remember to buy lower(under 50) and sell high (over 350) to make the most money. If you go to skills you will find the stocks.Hope this helped!

3:58pm Feb 19 2013

Normal User

Posts: 429
Hello Sly! Welcome to Rescreatu. It's great to have you here. It seems like other users have answered your questions really well. Hopefully you're enjoying yourself so far, and I look forward to seeing you around. :)

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast

6:14pm Feb 20 2013

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Posts: 399
Necroposting is not allowed. 

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