Newbie - Need a headstart

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8:49am Dec 26 2015

Normal User

Posts: 13
I just joined a few minutes ago :P Found this game from Egg Cave, somebody joined it and told everyone, so I did too. 

Feel free to be my friend, I think I wouldn't be hard to teach. Anybody wiling to help me get used to this site?


2:45am Dec 27 2015


Posts: 3,217
Hello and welcome to Res :D 

Firstly I suggest you have  look at the rules, they can be found in the link below ^u^ 

tle="" target="">ja

HMMM as there is so much to go over I suggest that you have a look at this thread, 
It's a Game guide filled with frequently asked questions, tips and a butt ton of other helpful stuff :D

tle="" target="">ja

Very core mechanic of the game is collecting pets, which you can get from exploring planets or eggs, then hatching them eggs. 

Having TU (our in game currency) would be a huge help with this (and just in general) so I'll briefly cover a few ways to start building your riches:

* Stocks are a great way to make tu! I highly suggest putting as much money as you can into them. There's alot of information about the stocks in the game guide! 

* selling hatches. A "Hatch" is when you hatch an egg for another user, the buyer will send you the egg they want hatched and some Tu, you then hatch the egg and tell them the result. If they want to keep it they'll tell you what to name it then you send them the pet. 
Hatches usually sell for 100k-150k (and some people have even sold them for 200k in the past) per hatch! 

* sell egg on the egg market 

* you can sell services, such as searching for eggs or names, do Art/ writing commissions... what ever else you can think off xD 

I hope this helped a bit!! 
if you have any other questions dont be afraid to ask 

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