Not really new, but returned after 2 years

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12:24am Sep 25 2015

Normal User

Posts: 36
Hello again everyone! 
I was never really big on the forums here, but I do love this site. I was just remembering how much I loved it and came back after a hiatus of 2 years or so. 
I hope you'll all accept me back amongst you.
There are a few new things going on, and just today I hatched my first calico! I think I'll like being here again.

5:05pm Sep 25 2015


Posts: 3,217
Welcome back and congrats on the calico! 

It's always good to see returning players

If you have any questions don't be afraid to ask


8:18pm Sep 30 2015

Normal User

Posts: 422
Hey flamegirl! welcome back to Rescreatu!
I hope you really enjoy your time back on here. if you have any questions about anything new, like Zen said, don't be afraid to ask!

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