Not really new, but returning

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12:52pm Aug 17 2014

Normal User

Posts: 570
Hey guys! I'm not really new here since I've been on Res for several years now, but I took a very, VERY long hiatus after the game started to wear off for me. Although upon my returning now I'd like everyone to think of me as "new" since I plan to start everything over from scratch. I was quite young when I played this game previously and as such I did a lot of childish and immature things. I may have also said some silly things or conducted things in a strange manner and I would like to correct that and begin playing again as a new, more professional person.

On top of that, I had a few Rmails dating as far back as April, so if anybody who Rmailed me previously is still interested in whatever they mailed me for please feel free to do so again now that I am able to answer them! :D I would answer them anyway, but since a lot of them were concerning the purchase of some of the Creatu in my showroom it would be weird for me to reply after 5 months of silence.

Anyway, now that that's done, I hope to get back into things more seriously now and I hope to make lots of new friends! If you wanna send me a friend request, please feel free to! I almost always accept random friend requests and if ever you want someone to talk to feel free to Rmail me for any reason or no reason at all :)



2:18pm Aug 17 2014


Posts: 3,217
and welcome back :D 
Im guessing things have changed alot since you were last on ^^ 
(and there are many more changes to come!) 
so if you have any questions dont be afraid to ask 

Im sure you'll meet alot of awesome new friends too


3:14am Aug 18 2014

Normal User

Posts: 429
Hi Zephyr, welcome back! :) I hope everyone welcomes the new you (and I can't see why they wouldn't! c:).

As Zen said, just let us know if you need anything.

I hope you're enjoying yourself and finding your way around again! :)

Formerly an Assistant
Formerly known as Gravy
Aukira enthusiast

3:35am Sep 2 2014

Normal User

Posts: 202
Hi Zephyr, welcome back to res. I hope you are going to have a great time here :)

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