Parsnip = Noob

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7:06am Apr 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 2
Yu-hu. So I'm sorry if I make a stupid offer on a pet or say something stupid. xD Because yes, I am new, and a noob.

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6:05pm Apr 25 2011

Normal User

Posts: 534
Hi! Welcome to Res. If you have any questions, feel free to look at the 'Help' section of the site or rmail me! :)

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7:18am Apr 28 2011

Normal User

Posts: 251

Hi Parsnip - OMG I love your username :3 And welcome to Res!

If you have any questions or anything at all, feel free to ask around, in the SB, the staff, or just Rmail someone who seems nice - Most people here would be more than happy to help you. And me as well, I don't usually bite xD

I hope you have fun here on Res. c:

Also, I have a few items and eggs here and there I could spare to help you get started.

Do you have a favourite pet? c:

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