This is for the lonely people!
This system will get you someone you can Rmail with.
If you are interested in having a pen-pal, please fill out and post the following forum below. I will find you someone. ^-^
(optional) Real Name:
Favorite board game:
Favorite virtual game:
Favorite movie:
Favorite TV show:
Favorite book:
Favorite Creatu:
Here is mine;
(optional) Real Name: Riven
Nickname: Roo
Favorite board game: Dragonwood
Favorite virtual game: Minecraft, Rescreatu
Favorite movie: Hotel for Dogs
Favorite TV show: ?
Favorite book: All of them
Favorite Creatu: Zenirix
Here is Noopu's (what, creatu have personalities too);
(optional) Real Name: Noopu
Nickname: Noopu
Favorite board game: Chess
Favorite virtual game: Rescreatu
Favorite movie: None
Favorite TV show: ResNews
Favorite book: The Legend of Adagu
Favorite Creatu: Zenirix (obviously)
If you want, you can post your favorite pet's as well, and they can correspond with another creatu. XD