And on my profile!
1. I hate geese. Like, UGH.
2. I laugh and then snort many times after every time I see Llama's signature.
3. I am a part-time model, nothing big, just in training and such. Low-key photos such as that so far.
4. I love taking photos!
5. I have no desire to hear any of your voices, but would love for you to hear mine.
I would go like, full australian. With like, the hat with the corks dangling off it, and with a kangaroo behind me, and I would chew wheat or something and say aussie words which I didn't even knew existed. Like, I searched aussie slang up, and what the hell is bonzer? Like, why does everyone in the world know how we talk, but us aussie's don't? ;_;
Do ya want one or two normal, no make-up, non model photos of me?
Do ya? Do ya?
Huh?! Huh?! Huh?!
Enjoy :3
Oh oh oh, have a look at 2 of my photos that I've taken!
The road photo was edited on instagram!
But the other one is natural, no-edit.